Celestial Atlas: Constellations
Scorpius ←Sculptor: The Sculptor's Workshop→ Scutum

(possessive form Sculptoris, abbreviation Scl)
 Sculptor is one of fourteen southern constellations created by Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1756 as a result of his observations of ten thousand southern stars, but not introduced to the public until the posthumous publication of his work in 1763.

Historical Map of Sculptor
(to be added in the next iteration of this page)

Modern Map of Sculptor
Map of Sculptor by Courtney Seligman

Constellations Bordering Scorpius
Aquarius, Cetus, Fornax, Grus, Phoenix, Piscis Austrinus

Stars in Sculptor
 Stars that have common names often have multiple names, so the common names shown (if any) cannot be considered authoritative. Right ascension and declination are given in 2000.0 coordinates.

α Scl

β Scl

γ Scl

δ Scl

ε Scl
Celestial Atlas: Constellations
Scorpius ←Sculptor: The Sculptor's Workshop→ Scutum