Celestial Atlas: Constellations
Cancer ←Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs→ Canis Major

(possessive form Canum Venaticorum, abbreviation CVn)
 Canes Venatici was formed by Hevelius in 1687 from a portion of Ursa Major. As early as 1533 maps of Boötes, the Herdsman, showed him holding leashes for two or three dogs; but the position of the dogs didn't correspond to any particular stars and varied from one atlas to another. So Hevelius is the first to have placed them in their present position.

Historical Map of Canes Venatici
(to be added in the next iteration of this page)

Modern Map of Canes Venatici
Wikimedia Commons map by IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg)
IAU/S&T map of Canes Venatici

Constellations Bordering Canes Venatici
(to be added in next iteration of this page)

Stars in Canes Venatici
 Stars that have common names often have multiple names, so the common names shown (if any) cannot be considered authoritative. Right ascension and declination are given in 2000.0 coordinates.

α CVn

β CVn

γ CVn

δ CVn

ε CVn
Other Objects of Interest
M51 (= NGC 5194) -- The Whirlpool Galaxy -- A 9th-magnitude spiral galaxy (type Sc I) (RA 13 29 52, Dec +47 11 43)
NGC 5195, a 10th-magnitude barred spiral galaxy (type SB0-a) (RA 13 29 59, Dec +47 15 59); a companion of M51, sometimes referred to as M51b.
M94 (= NGC 4736) An 8th-magnitude spiral galaxy (RA 12 50 53, Dec +41 07 12)
Celestial Atlas: Constellations
Cancer ←Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs→ Canis Major