Celestial Atlas
PGC 27500 - 27999 ←PGC Objects: PGC 28000 - 28499→ PGC 28500 - 28999
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Page last updated Mar 3, 2024
Added PGC entries for IC 566-572 objects/companions with PGC numbers on this page

PGC 28002 (=
IC 561)
A magnitude 14.6 spiral galaxy (type Sc?) in Sextans (RA 09 45 58.8, Dec +03 08 43)
For anything else see IC 561

PGC 28011 (=
IC 562)
A magnitude 14.2 spiral galaxy (type S(B?)bc?) in Sextans (RA 09 46 04.1, Dec -03 58 19)
For anything else see IC 562

PGC 28026 (= PGC 1287864 =
NGC 2990)
A magnitude 12.7 spiral galaxy (type SABbc?) in Sextans (RA 09 46 17.2, Dec +05 42 32)
For anything else see NGC 2990

PGC 28027 (=
NGC 3001)
A magnitude 11.9 spiral galaxy (type SAB(rs)bc?) in Antlia (RA 09 46 18.7, Dec -30 26 15)
For anything else see NGC 3001

PGC 28032 (=
IC 563, and with IC 564 = Arp 303)
A magnitude 13.9 spiral galaxy (type SB(r)ab? pec) in Sextans (RA 09 46 20.3, Dec +03 02 44)
For anything else see IC 563

PGC 28033 (=
IC 564, and with IC 563 = Arp 303)
A magnitude 13.4 spiral galaxy (type SA(s)cd? pec) in Sextans (RA 09 46 21.1, Dec +03 04 17)
For anything else see IC 564

PGC 28049 (=
NGC 2996)
A magnitude 12.7 peculiar galaxy (type (R)SA0(r)a? pec) in Hydra (RA 09 46 30.2, Dec -21 34 18)
For anything else see NGC 2996

PGC 28078 (=
NGC 2988)
A magnitude 14.6 spiral galaxy (type SBbc?) in Leo (RA 09 46 48.0, Dec +22 00 44)
For anything else see NGC 2988

PGC 28079 (=
NGC 2991)
A magnitude 12.6 lenticular galaxy (type S0? pec) in Leo (RA 09 46 50.1, Dec +22 00 50)
For anything else see NGC 2991

PGC 28113 (with
PGC 28119 = NGC 2957)
A magnitude 15(?) irregular galaxy (type Irr?) in Draco (RA 09 47 15.7, Dec +72 59 10)
For anything else see NGC 2957

PGC 28119 (with
PGC 28113 = NGC 2957)
A magnitude 14.5(?) spiral galaxy (type Sa? pec) in Draco (RA 09 47 18.2, Dec +72 59 03)
For anything else see NGC 2957

PGC 28120 (=
NGC 2976)
A magnitude 10.2 spiral galaxy (type Scd? pec) in Ursa Major (RA 09 47 15.3, Dec +67 55 00)
For anything else see NGC 2976

PGC 28122 (= PGC 1663286 =
NGC 2994)
A magnitude 13.1 lenticular galaxy (type S0(rs)a?) in Leo (RA 09 47 16.1, Dec +22 05 22)
For anything else see NGC 2994

PGC 28150 (=
NGC 3007)
A magnitude 13.4 lenticular galaxy (type S0(r)a? pec) in Sextans (RA 09 47 45.6, Dec -06 26 17)
For anything else see NGC 3007

PGC 28155 (=
NGC 2963)
A magnitude 13.5 spiral galaxy (type SBab?) in Draco (RA 09 47 50.5, Dec +72 57 52)
For anything else see NGC 2963

PGC 28159 (=
IC 565)
A magnitude 14.4 spiral galaxy (type Sbc? pec) in Leo (RA 09 47 50.5, Dec +15 51 06)
For anything else see IC 565

PGC 28186 (=
NGC 3003)
A magnitude 11.9 spiral galaxy (type SBbc?) in Leo Minor (RA 09 48 35.7, Dec +33 25 18)
For anything else see NGC 3003

PGC 28196 (=
NGC 2998)
A magnitude 12.5 spiral galaxy (type SAB(rs)c?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 48 43.6, Dec +44 04 53)
For anything else see NGC 2998

PGC 28206 (probably =
NGC 3029)
A magnitude 14.0 spiral galaxy (type SAB(r)c?) in Sextans (RA 09 48 54.0, Dec -08 03 04)
For anything else see NGC 3029

PGC 28208 (not =
NGC 3002)
Not an NGC object but sometimes misidentified as NGC 3002
A magnitude 17(?) pair of galaxies (type (Irr? + SBa?) pec) in Ursa Major (RA 09 49 06.6, Dec +44 02 57)
Because of the misidentification as NGC 3002, see here for anything else

PGC 28220 (=
NGC 3017)
A magnitude 13.1 elliptical galaxy (type E1?) in Sextans (RA 09 49 03.0, Dec -02 49 19)
For anything else see NGC 3017

PGC 28222 (= PGC 1054062=
NGC 3014)
A magnitude 13.9 spiral galaxy (type SB(s)bc?) in Sextans (RA 09 49 07.6, Dec -04 44 35)
For anything else see NGC 3014

PGC 28232 (=
NGC 3005)
A magnitude 14.9 spiral galaxy (type Sbc?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 49 15.0, Dec +44 07 50)
For anything else see NGC 3005

PGC 28235 (=
NGC 3006)
A magnitude 14.9 spiral galaxy (type Sbc?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 49 17.3, Dec +44 01 33)
For anything else see NGC 3006

PGC 28240 (=
NGC 3015)
A magnitude 13.5 spiral galaxy (type SABbc?) in Sextans (RA 09 49 22.9, Dec +01 08 44)
For anything else see NGC 3015

PGC 28249 (= PGC 824313 =
NGC 3025)
A magnitude 12.9 lenticular galaxy (type SA0? pec?) in Hydra (RA 09 49 29.1, Dec -21 44 32)
For anything else see NGC 3025

PGC 28252 (=
NGC 3008)
A magnitude 14.5 lenticular galaxy (type S0(rs)a?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 49 34.3, Dec +44 06 10)
For anything else see NGC 3008

PGC 28257 (=
NGC 3022)
A magnitude 13.2 lenticular galaxy (type (R)S0?) in Sextans (RA 09 49 39.2, Dec -05 09 59)
For anything else see NGC 3022

PGC 28258 (=
NGC 3018)
A magnitude 13.3 spiral galaxy (type SB(s)b? pec) in Sextans (RA 09 49 41.5, Dec +00 37 19)
For anything else see NGC 3018

PGC 28259 (=
NGC 3011)
A magnitude 13.3 lenticular galaxy (type S0(r)a? pec) in Leo (RA 09 49 41.2, Dec +32 13 16)
For anything else see NGC 3011

PGC 28269 (=
NGC 3016)
A magnitude 12.9 spiral galaxy (type Sb?) in Leo (RA 09 49 50.7, Dec +12 41 43)
For anything else see NGC 3016

PGC 28270 (=
NGC 3012)
A magnitude 13.5 elliptical galaxy (type E1?) in Leo Minor (RA 09 49 52.1, Dec +34 42 51)
For anything else see NGC 3012

PGC 28272 (=
NGC 3023)
A magnitude 12.3 spiral galaxy (type SAB(s)bc? pec) in Sextans (RA 09 49 52.6, Dec +00 37 08)
For anything else see NGC 3023

PGC 28275
A star-forming region in
NGC 3023
(Need to post physical information and an image showing its position in the galaxy)

PGC 28276 (=
NGC 3028)
A magnitude 12.9 spiral galaxy (type Sb? pec) in Hydra (RA 09 49 54.3, Dec -19 11 03)
For anything else see NGC 3028

PGC 28279 (=
IC 566)
A magnitude 14.5 spiral galaxy (type S(rs)ab pec?) in Sextans (RA 09 49 56.4, Dec -00 13 53)
For anything else see IC 566

PGC 28295 (=
NGC 3019)
A magnitude 15.2 spiral galaxy (type Sbc?) in Leo (RA 09 50 07.2, Dec +12 44 46)
For anything else see NGC 3019

PGC 28296 (=
NGC 3020)
A magnitude 11.9 spiral galaxy (type SB(r)cd? pec?) in Leo (RA 09 50 06.6, Dec +12 48 49)
For anything else see NGC 3020

PGC 28300 (=
NGC 3013)
A magnitude 14.9 spiral galaxy (type (R)SABa(r)?) in Leo Minor (RA 09 50 09.4, Dec +33 34 10)
For anything else see NGC 3013

PGC 28302 (=
NGC 3030)
A magnitude 13.3 lenticular galaxy (type E/S0?) in Hydra (RA 09 50 10.6, Dec -12 13 35)
For anything else see NGC 3030

PGC 28303 (not =
NGC 3009)
Not an NGC object but long misidentified as NGC 3009
A magnitude 13.6 spiral galaxy (type SABbc?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 50 11.1, Dec +44 17 42)
Because of long misidentification as NGC 3009, see here for anything else

PGC 28316 (=
NGC 2985)
A magnitude 10.4 spiral galaxy (type (R)SA(rs)ab?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 50 22.2, Dec +72 16 44)
For anything else see NGC 2985

PGC 28323
A magnitude 13.5(?) spiral galaxy (type SB(s)bc?) in
Hydra (RA 09 50 27.7, Dec -21 48 09)
PGC 28323 lies only a minute of time to the east southeast of NGC 3025 and is just a little fainter, so it clearly stands out on images of the region near NGC 3205, so it appears to deserve an early entry in this database.
Physical Information: Based on a recessional velocity of 8800 km/sec, a straightforward calculation indicates that PGC 28323 is about 410 million light years away. However, for objects at such distances we should take into account the expansion of the Universe during the time it took their light to reach us. Doing that shows that the galaxy was about 395 million light years away at the time the light by which we see it was emitted, about 400 million years ago (the difference between the two numbers being due to the expansion of the intervening space during the light-travel time). Given that and its apparent size of 1.4 by 1.15 arcmin, it is about 160 thousand light years across.
 NED lists a pair of redshift-independent distance estimates of 150 and 155 million light years for the galaxy, indicating that either they or the recessional velocity have been mistakenly applied to the wrong galaxy. If the distance based on the recessional velocity is wrong and the galaxy is actually closer to 150 million light years away, then the apparent size corresponds to only about 60 thousand light years. Unfortunately, neither the larger nor smaller sizes for the galaxy are obviously wrong, so there is currently no way of knowing what its correct distance and size are.
DSS image of region near spiral galaxy PGC 28323
Above, a 12 arcmin wide DSS image centered on PGC 28323
Below, a 1.8 arcmin wide DSS image of the galaxy
DSS image of spiral galaxy PGC 28323

PGC 28324 (=
NGC 3024)
A magnitude 13.1 spiral galaxy (type Sc? pec?) in Leo (RA 09 50 27.4, Dec +12 45 56)
For anything else see NGC 3024

PGC 28330 (=
NGC 3009)
A magnitude 14.5 lenticular galaxy (type S0?) in Ursa Major (RA 09 50 33.2, Dec +44 18 52)
For anything else see NGC 3009

PGC 28351 (=
NGC 3026)
A magnitude 12.9 spiral galaxy (type SAB(r)dm?) in Leo (RA 09 50 55.3, Dec +28 33 04)
For anything else see NGC 3026

PGC 28357 (=
NGC 3021)
A magnitude 12.1 spiral galaxy (type Sab?) in Leo Minor (RA 09 50 57.2, Dec +33 33 13)
For anything else see NGC 3021

PGC 28368 (=
IC 568)
A magnitude 13.5 spiral galaxy (type SB(rs)b) in Leo (RA 09 51 08.3, Dec +15 43 49)
For anything else see IC 568

PGC 28376 (= PGC 686673 =
NGC 3038)
A magnitude 11.6 spiral galaxy (type SA(rs)b?) in Antlia (RA 09 51 15.5, Dec -32 45 09)
For anything else see NGC 3038

PGC 28381 (=
NGC 3037)
A magnitude 13.0 spiral galaxy (type SBm? pec?) in Hydra (RA 09 51 24.2, Dec -27 00 40)
For anything else see NGC 3037

PGC 28391 (=
IC 569)
A magnitude 14.1 lenticular galaxy (type S0?) in Leo (RA 09 51 28.1, Dec +10 55 12)
For anything else see IC 569

PGC 28407 (=
IC 570)
A magnitude 14.8 spiral galaxy (type S(rs)bc? pec) in Leo (RA 09 51 51.0, Dec +15 45 21)
For anything else see IC 570

PGC 28415 (=
NGC 3035)
A magnitude 12.4 spiral galaxy (type SB(rs)bc?) in Sextans (RA 09 51 55.0, Dec -06 49 23)
For anything else see NGC 3035

PGC 28445 (=
IC 571)
A magnitude 15.1 spiral galaxy (type (R)SB(rs)ab?) in Leo (RA 09 52 31.6, Dec +15 46 32)
For anything else see IC 571

PGC 28452 (=
NGC 3039)
A magnitude 13.4 spiral galaxy (type (R)SAB(s)b?) in Sextans (RA 09 52 29.7, Dec +02 09 16)
For anything else NGC 3039

PGC 28456 (=
IC 572)
A magnitude 14.8 spiral galaxy (type Sbc?) in Leo (RA 09 52 32.8, Dec +15 49 37)
For anything else see IC 572

PGC 28479 (=
NGC 3040)
A magnitude 13.4 lenticular galaxy (type S0(r)a?) in Leo (RA 09 53 05.1, Dec +19 25 56)
For anything else see NGC 3040

PGC 28480
A magnitude 15(?) spiral galaxy (type SBbc?) in
Leo (RA 09 53 05.7, Dec +19 21 40)
Physical Information: Based on a recessional velocity of 7595 km/sec, a straightforward calculation indicates that PGC 28480 is about 355 million light years away. However, for objects at such distances we should take into account the expansion of the Universe during the time it took their light to reach us. Doing that shows that the galaxy was about 345 million light years away at the time the light by which we see it was emitted, about 350 million years ago (the difference between the two numbers being due to the expansion of the intervening space during the light-travel time). Given that and its apparent size of 0.65 by 0.5 arcmin, the galaxy is about 55 thousand light years across.
SDSS image of region near spiral galaxy PGC 28480, also showing NGC 3040
Above, a 12 arcmin wide SDSS image centered on PGC 28480, also showing NGC 3040
Below, a 0.8 arcmin wide SDSS image of the galaxy
SDSS image of spiral galaxy PGC 28480

PGC 28485 (=
NGC 3041)
A magnitude 11.5 spiral galaxy (type SAB(rs)bc?) in Leo (RA 09 53 07.1, Dec +16 40 40)
For anything else see NGC 3041

PGC 28487 (with
PGC 200253 = Arp 255)
(= UGC 5304: = CGCG 035-076 = MCG +01-25-030)

The colon indicates that UGC 5304 includes the northeastern "companion" (as Arp 255 also does, since both equal VV 342)
A magnitude ? spiral galaxy (type SBb? pec) in (RA 09 53 08.8, Dec +07 51 58)
Use By The Arp Atlas: PGC 28487 is used by the Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies as an example of a galaxy with an appearance of fission, with the note "Faint arm extends beyond high S.B. companion," the "high surface brightness companion" being PGC 200253.
Physical Information:
SDSS image of spiral galaxy PGC 28487 and irregular galaxy PGC 200253, which comprise Arp 255
Above, a 1.75 arcmin wide SDSS image of Arp 255

PGC 200253
Listed here because part of
Arp 255, even though not usually pointed out
Either a part of its larger companion, or a galaxy interacting with it
Need to find reliable data for the companion to decide which is the case (will try to finish this within a day or two)

PGC 28492 (= PGC 28493 =
NGC 3045)
A magnitude 13.0 spiral galaxy (type SA(r)b?) in Hydra (RA 09 53 17.6, Dec -18 38 43)
For anything else see NGC 3045

PGC 28493 (= PGC 28492 =
NGC 3045)
A magnitude 13.0 spiral galaxy (type SA(r)b?) in Hydra (RA 09 53 17.6, Dec -18 38 43)
For anything else see NGC 3045

PGC 28498 (=
NGC 3042)
A magnitude 12.9 spiral galaxy (type Sab?) in Sextans (RA 09 53 20.2, Dec +00 41 52)
For anything else see NGC 3042
Celestial Atlas
PGC 27500 - 27999 ←PGC Objects: PGC 28000 - 28499→ PGC 28500 - 28999