Celestial Atlas
Historical Reference Papers for the NGC / IC Objects
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 This (incomplete) listing of the reference papers for the NGC/IC objects is based on Wolfgang Steinicke's list of such papers (indicated by S and a number if from his list), supplemented by papers not in his list (indicated by the author's initials and publication date). The entire list is in alphabetical order, to allow easy access to papers by a given author. When complete it will include links to online versions of all the papers, almost entirely located on other websites, but if no longer available anywhere else, backed up on this site (though hopefully, their presence on this page will eventually cause them to be backed up on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, which is already the repository for many of them).

What To Do If A Link Below Is Broken
 Sometimes websites or pages disappear or are moved, and their links no longer work. If any of the links below fail to work, let me know and I'll try to fix the problem.

A General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars
Herschel, John, 1864, A General Catalogue (etc.), Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. vol 154, pp. 1 - 137

The New General Catalogue, Index Catalogue, and Second Index Catalogue
Modern Sites Devoted to Historical Study of the NGC/IC Objects
Corwin, Harold, Historically-aware NGC/IC Positions and Notes
Gottlieb, Steve, Steve Gottlieb's NGC Notes
Steinicke, Wolfgang, NGC/IC

Historical Reference Papers for the NGC/IC Objects
AF1868 Abbott, Francis, 1868, On the variability of η Argus and Surrounding Nebula, MNRAS 28 (No 7), pp. 200 - 202
AF1871 Abbott, Francis, 1871, Some Further Observations on the Variable Star η Argus, MNRAS 31 (No 8), pp. 226 - 235 (with comments and letters by various individuals including John Herschel and George Airy)
AG1836 Airy, George, 1836, History of nebulae and clusters of stars, MNRAS 3 (No 20), pp. 167 - 174 (see yellow comments)
S1. Aitken, Robert, 1900, A New Planetary Nebula, PASP 12 (No 75), p. 203
S2. Aratos, circa 260 B.C.E., The Heavenly Display (from Phainomena), 1885 translation by Robert Brown, Jr. (includes a lucid discussion of the archaic, purely descriptive nature of the work)
S3. Archenhold, Friedrich, 1892, Ein ausgedehnter Nebel bei ξ Persei, AN 129 (No 3082), pp. 153 - 158
S4. Al-Sufi, 964, Book of Fixed Stars (link is to 1874 French and Arabic translation/transcription by H. C. F. C. Schjellerup, not to the original Arabic text and images; this link is to a complete set of digitized images of an 11th century copy (dated AH 400 (CE 1009-10), with full Arabic text and images) in the Bodleian Library (each digitized image is © by the Library and cannot be reproduced without a considerable fee)
AE1888 Austin, Edward, 1888, Nebulae, AnHar 13, pp. 62 - 85
AE1908 Austin, Edward, 1908, Photographic Plates, AnHar 60, plates 1 - 5
S5. Auwers, Arthur von, 1862, Aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Dr. Auwers, AN 58 (No 1391), pp. 361 - 364
AA1862 Auwers, Arthur von, 1862, Verzeichniss der Oerter von vierzig Nebelflecken, AN 58 (No 1392), pp. 369 - 378
S6. Auwers, Arthur von, 1862, William Herschel's Verzeichnisse von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen, pp. 154 - 227
S7. Erroneously attributed to Auwers, Arthur von. Actually published by Brorsen, Theodor. See #39 in the list of "novae" in S6, and the corrected entry after S108.

S8. Bailey, Solon, 1908, A Catalogue of Bright Clusters and Nebulae, Ann. Harv. Obs. 60, pp. 199 - 229 plus 5 plates
BE1883 Barnard, Edward, 1883, A new Nebula near φ Virginis, AN 104 (No 2490), p. 285
BE1884 Barnard, Edward, 1884, New Nebulae..., AN 108 (No 2588), pp. 369 - 371
BE1885 Barnard, Edward, 1885, Ueber den neuen Stern im grossen Andromeda-Nebel., AN (No 2688), p. 403
BE1886 Barnard, Edward, 1886, (A note about GC 106 and the Andromeda Nebula), Sid. Mess. 5 (No 1), p. 23
BE1890 Barnard, Edward, 1890, Note on the Nebula G.C. 4036 = N.G.C. 5834, AN 125 (No 2995), pp. 316 - 317
BE1890.1 Barnard, Edward, 1890, ...and a new Nebula, AN 126 (No 3004), pp. 53 - 56 (at bottom of page 54)
BE1891 Barnard, Edward, 1891, A New Nebula, AJ 11 (No 261), p. 168
BE1892 Barnard, Edward, 1892, Errata [A new nebula], AJ 12 (No 266), p. 16 (refers to an error on p. 168 of AJ 11, p. 168 of issue 261; was actually p. 168 of issue 241 = BE1891, above)
BE1892.1 Barnard, Edward, 1892, The nebula (1892.0): 23h0m40s +59° 39'.7., AN 130 (No 3110), p. 223 - 224
BE1895 Barnard, Edward, 1895, On the variable nebulae of Hind and Struve in Taurus... and the variable star T Tauri, MNRAS 55, pp. 442 - 451
BE1895.1 Barnard, Edward, 1895, Another Probable Variable Nebula, MNRAS 55, pp. 451 - 452
BE1895.2 Barnard, Edward, 1895, On a Great Photographic Nebula in Scorpio, near Antares, MNRAS 55, pp. 453 - 455
BE1895.3 Barnard, Edward, 1895, On the New Merope Nebula, AN 139 (No 3315), p. 42
BE1895.4 Barnard, Edward, 1895, A New Planetary Nebula, AN 139 (No 3315), p. 43
BE1902 Barnard, Edward, 1902, Micrometrical and Visual Observations of Nova Cygni (1876) made with the 40-inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, MNRAS 62, 405 - 419
BE1903 Barnard, Edward, 1903, Diffused Nebulosities in the Heavens, ApJ 17, pp. 77 - 80 + 2 plates
BE1906 Barnard, Edward, 1906, On a group of small nebulae, AN (No 4136), pp. 121 - 124
BE1907 Barnard, Edward, 1907, On a nebulous groundwork in the constellation Taurus, ApJ 25 (No 3), pp. 218 - 225
S9. Barnard, Edward, 1884, A New and Faint Nebulosity, Sid. Mess. 3 (No 3), p. 96
S10. Barnard, Edward, 1885, New Nebulae, Obs. 8 (No 96), p. 123
S11. Barnard, Edward, 1886, New Nebulae, Sid. Mess. 5 (No 1), p. 25
S12. Barnard, Edward, 1890, A Cluster of eighteen small Nebulae discovered with the 36 inch Refractor of the Lick Observatory, AN 125 (No 2998), p. 379
S13. Barnard, Edward, 1891, A new Planetary Nebula, AN 126 (No 3017), p. 277
S14. Barnard, Edward, 1891, On the Nebulosities of the Pleiades and on a New Merope Nebula, AN 126 (No 3018), p. 293
S15. Barnard, Edward, 1891, On an Early Search for Winnecke's Comet Before Perihelion, AN 127 (No 3038), p. 231
S16. Barnard, Edward, 1892, Two Probably Variable Nebulae, AN 130 (No 3097), p. 7
S17. Barnard, Edward, 1892, A New Nebulous Star, and Corections to Dreyer's NGC, AN 130 (No 3101), pp. 77 - 80
S18. Barnard, Edward, 1892, Photographic Nebulosities and Groups of Nebulous Stars, AN 130 (No 3111), p. 233
S19. Barnard, Edward, 1894, On a small Nebula close to M. 57, AN 134 (No 3200), p. 129
S20. Barnard, Edward, 1894, On the exterior Nebulosities of the Pleiades, AN 136 (No 3253), p. 193
S21. Barnard, Edward, 1894, Photographic Nebulosities and Star Clusters connected with the Milky Way, Astr. & Astro-Phys. 13 (No 3), pp. 177 - 183 (a postscript on p. 183 discusses Nebulae Near γ Cassiopeia)
S22. Barnard, Edward, 1894, Observations of Nebulae with the 36-inch Equatoreal of the Lick Observatory, Publ. Lick Obs. 2, pp. 168 - 181 (actually authored by Sherburne Burnham; relisted by me as S113a)
S23. Barnard, Edward, 1895, On a great photographic nebula near Antares, AN 138 (No 3301), pp. 211 - 214
S24. Barnard, Edward, 1895, New Planetary Nebula, AN 139 (No 3315), p. 43
S25. Barnard, Edward, 1897, Nebulas near Castor, AJ 18 (No 422), p. 112
S26. Barnard, Edward, 1900, The Exterior Nebulosities of the Pleiades, MNRAS 60 (No 4), pp. 258 - 261
S27. Barnard, Edward, 1901, Peculiarity of Focal Observations of the Planetary Nebulae and Visual Observations of Nova Persei with the Forty-inch Yerkes Telescope, ApJ 14 (No 3), pp. 151 - 157
S28. Barnard, Edward, 1906, Groups of small Nebulae, AN 173 (No 4136), pp. 117 - 121
S29. Barnard, Edward, 1906, Group of small Nebulae, AN 173 (No 4136), p. 121
S30. Barnard, Edward, 1907, A Nebula near the Nova [T Coronae], ApJ 25 (No 4), pp. 281 - 282 (the end of an article about T Coronae)
S31. Barnard, Edward, 1908, Some notes on nebulae and nebulosities, AN 177 (No 4239), pp. 231 - 236
S32. Barnard, Edward, 1897, The great nebula of Rho Ophiuchi and the smallness of the stars forming the groundwork of the Milky Way, PA 5 (No 5), pp. 227 - 232
S33. Barnard, Edward, 1886, A correction to Dr. Swift's list of new nebulae in A.N. 2746, AN 115 (No 2755), pp. 315 - 316
S34. Barnard, Edward, 1891, A New Nebula, AJ 11 (No 261), p. 168
S35. Barnard, Edward, 1906, On a planetary nebula, AN 172 (No 4112), p. 123
S36. Barnard, Edward, (1890?), Logbook (Lick Observatory), (unpublished)
S37. Barnard, Edward, 1885, Small nebula near the great Andromeda Nebula, AN 112 (No 2687), pp. 391 - 392
S38. Barnard, Edward, 1883, Editorial Notes (two notes), Sid. Mess. 1 (No 8), p. 238
S39. Barnard, Edward, 1883, Editorial Notes (one nebular note), Sid. Mess. 1 (No 6), p. 168
S40. Barnard, Edward, 1883, A small triangular hole in the Milky Way, Sid. Mess. 2 (No 8), p. 259
S41. Barnard, Edward, 1883, A new Nebula near φ Virginis, AN 104 (No 2490), p. 285
S42. Barnard, Edward, 1883, Editorial Notes (one note), Sid. Mess. 1 (No 5), p. 135
S43. Barnard, Edward, 1883, New Nebulae, Sid. Mess. 2 (No 7), p. 226
S44. Barnard, Edward, 1884, New Nebulae - Small black hole in the Milky-Way, AN 108 (No 2588), p. 369 - 372
S45. Barnard, Edward, 1884, A New Faint Nebula, Obs. 7 (No 89), p. 269
S46. Barnard, Edward, 1884, A New and Faint Nebula, Sid. Mess. 3 (No 6), p. 184
S47. Barnard, Edward, 1884, New Nebula, Sid. Mess. 3 (No 2), p. 254
S48. Barnard, Edward, 1884, (Two brief notes about nebulae), Sid. Mess. 3 (No 2), p. 60
S49. Barnard, Edward, 1884, New Nebula near General Catalogue No. 4510, AN 110 (No 2624), p. 125
S50. Barnard, Edward, 1885, Astronomical Notes: Comet Barnard, Sid. Mess. 4 (No 7), pp. 222 - 223 (previously known and new nebulae discussed on p. 223)
S51. Barnard, Edward, 1886, A Correction to Dr. Swift's list of New Nebulae in A.N. 2746, AN 115 (No 2755), pp. 315 - 316
S52. Barnard, Edward, 1886, Ring-Micrometer Observations of Comets and Nebulae, AN 115 (No 2756), pp. 323 - 328
S53. Barnard, Edward, 1886, New Nebulous Star, Sid. Mess. 5 (No 5), p. 154
S54. Barnard, Edward, 1886, An Excessively Faint Nebula, Sid. Mess. 5 (No 1), p. 27
S55. Barnard, Edward, 1895, Photograph of the Nebula N.G.C. 1499 near the Star ξ Persei, ApJ 2 (No 5), p. 350 + Plate 11
S56. Barnard, Edward, 1906, The nebula NGC. 6032, AN 173 (No 4136), p. 123
S56a. Barnard, Edward, 1913, Photographs of the Milky Way and of Comets made with the six-inch Willard Lens and Crocker Telescope during the years 1892 to 1895, Publ. Lick Obs. 11, pp. 1 - 46 plus numerous plates
BE1927 Barnard, Edward, 1927, A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way, Carnegie Publication 247
S57. Baxendell, Joseph, 1880, A New Nebula, MNRAS 41 (No 1), p. 48
S58. Becker, Ernst, 1898, Straßburg (Jahresbericht der Sternwarten für 1897), Vierteljahrsschrift 33, pp. 152-157
S59. Becker, Ernst, 1909, Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, Editor of entire volume. Numerous entries referring to him scattered throughout the volume (e.g., notes on pp. 193 and 194 of Winnecke's paper WA1905)
BE1909 Becker, Ernst, 1909, Katalogörter von Vergleich- und Anschlußsternen zu den Nebelbeobachtungen, Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, pp. 119 - 144
BE1909.1 Becker, Ernst, 1909, Mikrometrisch bestimmte Vergleichsterne zu den Nebelbeobachtungen, Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, pp. 145 - 148
BE1909.2 Becker, Ernst, 1909, Reduzierte Nebelmesungen, Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, pp. 149 - 187
BE1909.3 Becker, Ernst, Brichtigungen (Errata), Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, p. 209
S60. Bellamy, Frank, 1904, A New Cluster in Cygnus, MNRAS 64 (No 7), pp. 662 - 669
S61. Bevis, John, 1750, Uranographia Britannica (preceding is a discussion of an extremely rare atlas and star catalog, due to the publisher going bankrupt before publication); moderate-sized images of all 50 atlas charts are available here and backed up here.
BG1839 Bianchi, Giuseppe, 1839, Schreiben des Herrn Bianchi, Directors der Sternwarte in Modena an den Herausgeber, AN 16 (No 383), pp. 371 - 376 (see yellow comments)
S62. Bidschof, Friedrich, 1898, Catalog der auf der k. k. Sternwarte zu Wien beobachteten Nebelflecken, AN 147 (No 3520), pp. 257 - 268
S63. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1887, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 105, pp. 1116 - 1119 (#51 - 102)
S64. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1887, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 105, pp. 926 - 929 (#1 - 50)
BG1891 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1891, Sur une nébuleuse variable, Comp. Rend. 112, pp. 471 - 474
S65. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1891, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 112, pp. 647 - 650 (#103 - 152)
S66. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1891, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 112, pp. 703 - 705 (#153 - 208)
S67. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1891, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 112, pp. 848 - 850 (#209 - 244)
S68. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1892, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XV heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 36 (Observations 1884), pp. G41 - G103 (following S97 in the file linked here)
S69. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1896, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XXIII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 40 (Observations 1888), pp. D9 - D107
S70. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1896, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris, Comp. Rend. 123, pp. 1243 - 1245 (#245 - 281)
S71. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1897, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (suite), Comp. Rend. 124, pp. 133 - 135 (#328 - 356)
S72. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1897, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (suite), Comp. Rend. 124, pp. 65 - 67 (#282 - 327)
S73. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1898, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XVII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 42 (Observations 1890), pp. D153 - D241 (link includes S74 and introduction, at start of file)
S74. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1898, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XVI heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 42 (Observations 1890), pp. D49 - D151 (link includes an Introduction on pp. D1 - D48, and S73 at end of file)
S75. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1899, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XX heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 46 (Observations 1897), pp. G1 - G53
S76. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1899, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XXI heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 46 (Observations 1897), pp. G55 - G115 (same link as S75, but at end of that file)
S77. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1901, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la tour l'Ouest), Comp. Rend. 132, pp. 1094 - 1097 (#357 - 371)
S78. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1901, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la tour l'Ouest), Comp. Rend. 132, pp. 1465 - 1467 (#372 - 392)
S79. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1901, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la tour l'Ouest), Comp. Rend. 133, pp. 206 - 208 (#433 - 455)
S80. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1901, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la tour l'Ouest), Comp. Rend. 133, pp. 26 - 28 (#393 - 413)
S81. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1901, Nebuleuses nouvelles, decouvertes a l'observatoire de Paris (equatorial de la tour l'Ouest), Comp. Rend. 133, pp. 86 - 88 (#414 - 432)
S82. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1902, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XXII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 47 (Observations 1898), pp. G1 - G99
BG1902 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1902, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (V heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 47 (Observations 1898), pp. G101 - G131 (same link as for S82, but at end of file)
S83. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1904, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (VI heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 48 (Observations 1899), pp. F141 - F187 (same link as S84 below, but at end of file)
S84. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1904, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XIV heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 48 (Observations 1899), pp. F1 - F139
S85. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1904, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (III heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 49 (Observations 1900), pp. F143 - F207 (linked file also contains S86 at the start)
S86. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1904, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (0 heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 49 (Observations 1900), pp. F1 - F141 (linked file also contains S85 at the end)
S87. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1905, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (II heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 50 (Observations 1901), pp. F61 - F153 (same link as BG1905 below, but at end of file)
BG1905, Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1905, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (IV heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 50 (Observations 1901), pp. F1 - F59 (same link as S87 above)
S88. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1906, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (I heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 51 (Observations 1902), pp. F1 - F137
S89. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1907, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XVIII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 43 (Observations 1891), pp. E1 - E73
BG1907 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1907, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XIX heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 43 (Observations 1891), E75 - E111 (same link as above, but at the end of the other file)
S90. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1907, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (VII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 52 (Observations 1903), pp. F1 - F75
S91. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1908, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (VIII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 53 (Observations 1904), pp. F1 - F89
BG1910 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1910, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (IX heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 44 (Observations 1892), pp. D1 - D119
S92. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1911, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (X heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 45 (Observations 1893), pp. E1 - E117 (Steinicke's reference incorrectly states this is for XIX heures)
S93. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1911, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XI heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 54 (Observations 1905), pp. E1 - E173
S94. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1912, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 55 (Observations 1906), pp. E1 - E243
S95. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1916, La decouverte de la nebuleuse d'Orion (N.G.C. 1976) par Peiresc, Comp. Rend. 162, pp. 489 - 490
S96. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1917, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (XIII heures), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 56 (Observations 1907), pp. E1 - E119
S97. Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1892, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (Introduction), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 36 (Observations 1884), pp. G1 - G40
BG1911 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1917, Observations de Nebuleuses et d'Amas Stellaires (Introduction), Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris, vol. 56 (Observations 1907), pp. E121 - E422 (much longer than S97, with many additional notes; E121 lists all dates of observation and publication. At the end of the linked file for S96 but missing E409 - E416)
BG1911.2 Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1911, Les nébuleuses de la région des Pléiades, Bull. Astron. Serie I, vol. 28, pp. 417 - 424
S98. Block, Eugen, 1879, Schreiben des Herrn E. Block an den Herausgeber, AN 96 (No 2287), pp. 110 - 112
S99. Bode, Johann, 1777, Ueber einige neuentdeckte Nebelsterne und einem vollständigen Verzeichnisse der bisher bekannten, Astronomisches Jahrbuch für 1779, pp. 65 - 71
S100. Bode, Johann, 1779, Beobachtung des Kometen vom Jahr 1779 und Entdeckung einerger neuen Nebelsterne, vom Hrn. Inspector Köhler, vom Hrn. Bode mitgetheilt, Astronomisches Jahrbuch für 1782, pp. 151 - 157 (last sentence on p. 156)
S101. Bond, George, 1864, List of New Nebulae seen at the Observatory of Harvard College, AN 61 (No 1453), pp. 193 - 198
S102. Bond, George, 1866, A list of new nebulae seen at the observatory of Harvard College, 1847-1863, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 6, pp. 177 - 182
S103. Bond, George, 1859, Letter from Mr. Bond to Mr. Carrington, MNRAS 19, p. 224
S104. Bond, George, 1861, Schreiben des Herrn Prof. Bond, Directors der Sternwarte in Cambridge, an den Herausgeber, AN 56 (No 1337), pp. 269 - 272
S105. Borrelly, Alphonse, 1872, Nebuleuses nouvelles, AN 79 (No 1885), pp. 205 - 208
S106. Borrelly, Alphonse, 1872, New Nebulae discovered and observed by Alph. Borrelly at the Marseille Observatory with the Eichens Searcher, MNRAS 32, p. 248

WORKING HERE (download S107, check reference)

S107. Bredichin, Theodor, 1877, Observations des Nebeleuses, Ann. Obs. Moscou, Vol. II, Part 2, p. 114
S108. Brorsen, Theodor, 1851, Auszüge aus Briefen des Herrn Observators Th. Brorsen an den Herausgeber, AN 32 (No 751), pp. 105 - 110
S7. Brorsen, Theodor, 1856, Entdeckung eines neuen Nebelflecks, Unterhaltungen im Gebiete der Astronomie, Geographie und Meteorologie 39, p. 292 (incorrectly attributed to Auwers, Arthur von by Steinicke; however, it is #39 in a list of "novae" in Auwer's volume listed as S6)
S109. Burnham, Sherburne, 1873, Third Catalogue of 76 New Double Stars, MNRAS 34, pp. 59 - 71 (at end)
S110. Burnham, Sherburne, 1879, Double Star Observations made in 1877-78, Mem. Roy. Astr. Soc. 44, "New Nebulae" on p. 169
S111. Burnham, Sherburne, 1890, Double Star Observations, AN 123 (No 2929), pp. 1 - 30
S112. Burnham, Sherburne, 1891, New Nebulae, AN 127 (No 3048), p. 425
S113. Burnham, Sherburne, 1892, Observations of Nebulae with the 36-inch Equatoreal of the Lick Observatory, MNRAS 52, pp. 440 - 461
BS1894 Burnham, Sherburne, 1894, Measures of Planetary Nebulae with the 36-inch equatorial of the Lick Observatory, Publ. Lick Obs. 2, pp. 159 - 167
S113a (replaces S22) Burnham, Sherburne, 1894, Observations of Nebulae With the 36-Inch Refractor of the Lick Observatory, Publ. Lick Obs. 2, pp. 168 - 181 (identical to S113, but an easier download)
S114. Burnham, Sherburne, 1894, New Nebulae, Publ. Lick Obs. 2, pp. 153 - 156
S115. Burnham, Sherburne, 1900, General Catalogue of Double Stars, Publ. Yerkes Obs. 1, p. 296
S116. Burnham, Sherburne, 1904, Measures of Double Stars, Publ. Yerkes Obs. 2, p. 51

S117. Cacciatore, Niccolò, 1827, Neuer Nebelfleck, AN 5 (No 113), p. 281
S118. Chacornac, Jean, 1863, Nebuleuse variable de zeta Taureau, Comp. Rend. 56, p. 637
CD1940 Carlson, Dorothy, 1940, Some Corrections to Dreyer's Catalogues of Nebulae and Clusters, ApJ 91, pp. 350 - 359
CV1895 Cerulli, Vincenzo, 1895, Erratum in Dreyer NGC of Nebulae, AN 139 (No 3315), pp. 47 - 48
S119. Coddington, Edwin, 1898, A Large New Nebula in Ursa Major, PASP 10, p. 123
S120. Common, Andrew, 1882, New Nebulae, Copernicus I, p. 50
S121. Cooper, Edward, 1848 - 56, Catalogue of Stars Near the Ecliptic Observed at Markree, London
S122. Copeland, Ralph, 1877, On Schmidt's Nova Cygni, AN 90 (No 2158), p. 351
S123. Copeland, Ralph, 1884, Experiments in the Andes, Copernicus III, p. 206
S124. Copeland, Ralph, 1884, Spectroscopic Observations made at the Earl of Crawford's Observatory, Dun Echt, Aberdeen, MNRAS 45, pp. 90 - 91
S125. Cysat, Johann, 1619?, Mathematic astronomica De Loco

S126. Darquier, Antoine, 1782, Observations Astronomiques faites Toulouse part 2, Avignon, pp. 196 - 201 + 218
dA1852 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1852, From Letters of Professor d'Arrest to the Editor, AJ 2, pp. 130 - 131 (see yellow comment balloon)
dA1855.0 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1855, Einige Verbesserungen zu Sir John Herschel's Nebel-Catalogen, AN 41 (No 972), pp. 191 - 192
dA1855 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1855, Verzeichniss von funfzig Messier'schen und Herschel'schen Nebelflecken aus Beobachtungen auf der Leipziger Sternwarte hergeleitet, AN 42 (No 997), pp. 193 - 200 (published Dec 1855)
S127. d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1857, Resulate aus Beobachtungen der Nebelflecke und Sternhaufen, Abhandlungen der K. Sachsischen Gesellshaft de Wissenschaft, volume 5, pp. 293 - 378
S128. d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1861, Instrumentum magnum aequatoreum in Specula Universitatis Havniensis super erectum, Kopenhagen
dA1862 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1862, Vorläufige Mittheilungen, betreffend eine auf der Kopenhagener Sternwarte begonnene Revision des Himmels in Bezug auf die Nebelflecken, AN 57 (No 1366), pp. 337 - 348
S129. d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1865, Über einige am Kopenhagener Refractor beobachtete Objecte aus Lord Rosse's "List of nebulae not found", AN 63 (No 1500), pp. 177 - 190
dA1865 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1865, Zweites Verzeichniss von neuen Nebelflecken, aufgefunden am Kopenhagener Refractor im Winter 1864/65, AN 65 (No 1537), pp. 1 - 8
dA1867 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1867, Über drei am Himmel fehlende Nebelflecken erster Classe, nebst einigen nachträglichen Bemerkungen den Biela'schen Cometen betreffend, AN 68 (No 1624), pp. 251 - 256
S130. d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1867, Siderum Nebulosorum Observationes Havnienses, Kopenhagen
dA1868 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1868, Über eine Darstellung des grossen Orionnebels vom Jahre 1779, AN 70 (No 1678), pp. 337 - 342
dA1868.2 d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1868, Vergleichung der von d'Arrest gegebenen Nebelpositionen mit den in No. 1667 der Astronom. Nachrichten mitgetheilten. Von Herrn H. Vogel, AN 71 (No 1683), pp. 45 - 46
S131. d'Arrest, Heinrich, 1868, Struve's Beobachtung eines neuen Nebelflecks nahe bei Hind's variablem Nebel im Taurus, AN 71 (No 1689), pp. 143 - 144
S132. Dekker, Elly, 1990, "The Light and the Dark: A Reassessment of the Discovery of the Coalsack Nebula, the Magellanic Clouds and the Southern Cross, Ann of Sci. 47, pp. 529 - 560
S133. Denning, William, 1890, New Nebulae, MNRAS 51, p. 96
DW1890 Denning, William, 1890, Four New Nebulae, Obs 13, pp. 316 - 318
DW1891 Denning, William, 1891, Comet-seeking at Bristol: New Nebulae, Obs. 14, pp. 88 - 90
DW1891.1 Denning, William, 1891, Variations in Nebulae, Obs. 14, pp. 196 - 197
S134. Denning, William, 1892, Notes on New and Old Nebulae, Obs 15, pp. 104 - 106
S135. Denning, William, 1893, New nebula, Astr. & Astro-Phys. 12, p. 189
DW1897 Denning, William, 1897, The Longevity of Astronomers, Obs 20, pp. 205 - 206 (not related to the NGC/IC, but an interesting historical tidbit)
S136. Denning, William, 1918, The cluster No. 361, Dreyer's Index Catalogue (1895), Obs 41, p. 140
DA1893 Douglass, Andrew Ellicott 1893, (Stars having Peculiar Spectra) Discovered by Mr. A. E. Douglass, at Arequipa, Peru, MNRAS 53, p. 274
Dr1878 Dreyer, John, 1878, A supplement to Sir John Herschel's "General catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars.", Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 26, pp. 381 - 426
Dr1887 Dreyer, John, 1887, On some nebulæ hitherto suspected of variability or proper motion, MNRAS 47, pp. 412 - 421
Dr1888 Dreyer, John, 1888, A New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, Being the Catalogue of the Late Sir John F.W. Herschel, Royal Astronomical Society, pp. 1 - 237
Dr1894 Dreyer, John, 1894, Note on the group of Nebulae NGC 3743 - 58, AN 136 (No 3246), pp. 93-94.
Dr1895 Dreyer, John, 1895, Index Catalogue of Nebulæ found in the years 1888 to 1894, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue, MmRAS 51, pp. 185 - 228
Dr1905 Dreyer, John, 1905, Second Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, Royal Astronomical Society, MmRAS 59, pp. 105 - 198
Dr1912.1 Dreyer, John, 1912, Corrections to the New General Catalogue resulting from the Revision of Sir William Herschel's three Catalogues of Nebulae, MNRAS 73, pp. 37 - 40
Dr1912.2 Dreyer, John, 1912, (with the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society) The Scientific Papers of Sir William Herschel, volume I
Dr1912.3 Dreyer, John, 1912, (with the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society) The Scientific Papers of Sir William Herschel, volume II
S137. Dunér, Nils, 1871, Beobachtung eines neuen Nebelflecks, AN 78 (No 1864), p. 251 - 252
CG2010 Cozens, Glen, 2010, James Dunlop's Historical Catalogue of Southern Nebulae and Clusters, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, Vol 13 (No 1), pp. 59 - 73
S138. Dunlop, James, 1828, A catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars in the southern hemisphere observed at Paramatta in New South Wales, Phil. Trans. 118, pp. 113 - 152

ER1866 Ellery, Robert, 1866, Results of Astronomical Observations Made at the Melbourne Observatory in the Years 1863, 1864 and 1865, RAOMO (introduction plus 65 pages of observations of stars)
S139. Ellery, Robert, 1885, Observations of the Southern Nebulae made with the Great Melbourne Telescope from 1869 to 1885, Melbourne Obs., pp. 1 - 25 plus some plates
EB1886 Engelhardt, Basilius, 1886, Observations astronomiques / faites par B. d'Engelhardt, Premiere Partie, pp. 124 - 220
S140. Engelhardt, Basilius, 1890, Observations astronomiques / faites par B. d'Engelhardt, Deuxieme Partie, pp. 115 - 272
EB1895 Engelhardt, Basilius, 1895, Observations astronomiques / faites par B. d'Engelhardt, Troisieme Partie, pp. 27 - 135
S141. Esmiol, Emmanuel, 1916, Reduction des Observations de Nebuleuses decouvertes par M. Stephan, Trav. de l'Obs. Marseille 4, pp. 1 - 67
S142. Espin, Thomas, 1894, Some Nebulous Objects not in the New General Catalogue of Nebulae, MNRAS 54, pp. 327 - 328
S143. Espin, Thomas, 1900, New Nebulae, AN 152 (No 3633), p. 141
S144. Espin, Thomas, 1907, A New Nebula, MNRAS 67, p. 360

S145. Finlay, William, 1898, Nebulae observed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, MNRAS 58, pp. 329 - 330
S146. Flamsteed, John, 1712, Historia Coelestis Britannica, London
S147. Fleming, Williamina, 1891, Stars having Peculiar Spectra, AN 128 (No 3049), pp. 11 - 14
FW1893 Fleming, Williamina, 1893, Stars having Peculiar Spectra, MNRAS 53, p. 274
S148. Fleming, Williamina, 1894, Stars having Peculiar Spectra, AN 135 (No 3227), pp. 195 - 198
S149. Fleming, Williamina, 1894, Stars having Peculiar Spectra, AN 137 (No 3269), pp. 71 - 74
S150. Fleming, Williamina, 1895, Stars having Peculiar Spectra. Eleven New Variable stars, AN 138 (No 3299), pp. 175 - 180

S151. Gale, Walter, 1897, New Double Stars and a Ring Nebula, AN 143 (No 3420), p. 293
S152. Gothard, Eugen von, 1894, Der kleine Barnard'sche Nebel bei M. 57, AN 135 (No 3217), p. 11
S153. Gothard, Eugeb von, 1892, (Note 3 for Max Wolf paper S372), AN 131 (No 3130), p. 159

S154. Hall, Asaph, 1881, Observations of Comets, AN 100 (No 2394), pp. 273 - 278
S155. Halley, Edmond, 1716, An Account of Several Nebulae or lucid Spots like Clouds, dately discovered among the Fixed stars by the help of the Telescope, Phil. Trans. 29, pp. 390 - 392
S156. Harding, Karl Ludwig, 1824, Neue Nebelflecke, Berliner Jahrbuch fur 1827, pp. 131 - 134
S157. Harding, Karl Ludwig, 1824?, (unnamed?), Berliner Jahrbuch fur 1827, p. 135
S158. Harrington, Mark, 1883, New Nebula by M. W. Harrington, Director of the Observatory Ann Arbor, Mich., AN 104 (No 2479), p. 111
S159. Hartwig, Ernst, 1883, Auffindung eines neuen Nebels, AN 105 (No 2507), p. 173
S160. Hartwig, Ernst, 1883, Beobachtungen von neuen Nebeln, AN 106 (No 2544), p. 381
S161. Hartwig, Ernst, 1885, Neue Nebel, AN 112 (No 2688), p. 407
S162. Henry, Paul and Prosper, 1886, Découverte d'une nébuleuse par la Photographie, AN 113 (No 2702), p. 239
HP1886 Henry, Paul and Prosper, 1886, Decouverte d'une Nebuleuse par la Photographie, L'Astronomie 5, pp. 41-42 (the same as S162 but includes an image)
S163. Henry, Paul and Prosper, 1886, On Photographs of a new Nebula in the Pleiades, and of Saturn, MNRAS 46, p. 98
S164. Herschel, Caroline, 1782 - 1787, Book of Observations, RAS Archive C. Herschel 1/1.1
S165. Herschel, Caroline, 1788 - 1797, Book of Observations, RAS Archive C. Herschel 1/1.2
S166. Herschel, John, 1833, Obs. of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-feet Reflector, betw. The years 1825 a. 1833, Phil. Trans. 123, pp. 359 - 509
S167. Herschel, John, 1833, Obs. of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-feet Reflector, betw. The years 1825 a. 1833 (Description of h 1665a), Phil. Trans. 123, p. 444
S168. Herschel, John, 1847, Results of astronomical Observations made during the year 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope, Smith, Elder & Co., London, pp. 1 - 132
S169. Herschel, John, 1847, Results of astronomical Observations made during the year 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope (Errata, Addition & Corrections), Smith, Elder & Co., London, pp. 524 - 525
S170. Herschel, John, 1847, Results of astronomical Observations made during the year 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope (Stars, Nebulae and Clusters in the Nubecula Major), Smith, Elder & Co., London, pp. 146 - 150, 156 - 164 and 453 - 505
S171. Herschel, John, 1847, Results of astronomical Observations made during the year 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope (Stars, Nebulae and Clusters in the Nubecula Minor), Smith, Elder & Co., London, pp. 143 - 146 and 153 - 155
S172. Herschel, William, 1786, Catalogue of one Thousand new Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, PT 76, pp. 457 - 499
S173. Herschel, William, 1789, Catalogue of a second Thousand new Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, PT 79, pp. 212 - 255
S174. Herschel, William, 1802, Catalogue of 500 new Nebulae, nebulous Stars, planetary Nebulae, and Clusters of Stars, PT 92, pp. 477-528
S175. Herschel, William, 1783 - 1784, Sweep records, Dec. 1783 - Apr. 1784, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.1
S176. Herschel, William, 1784, Sweep records, Apr. 1784 - Sep. 1784, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.2
HW1785 Herschel, William, 1784 - 1785, Sweep records, Sep. 1784 - Mar. 1785, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.3
S177. Herschel, William, 1785, Sweep records, Mar. 1785 - Dec. 1785, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.4
S178. Herschel, William, 1785 - 1786, Sweep records, Dec. 1785 - Sep. 1786, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.5
S179. Herschel, William, 1786 - 1787, Sweep records, Sep. 1786 - Oct. 1787, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.6
HW1790 Herschel, William, 1787 - 1790, Sweep records, Oct. 1787 - Mar. 1790, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.7
HW1802 Herschel, William, 1790 - 1802, Sweep records, Mar. 1790 - Sep. 1802, RAS Archive W. Herschel 2/3.8
S179a. Herschel, William, 1788 - 1793, Observations with the 40 feet telescope, RAS Archive W. Herschel, 2/4.1
S180. Herschel, William, 1775 - 1781, Fixt Stars, RAS Archive W. Herschel, 4/1.1
S181. Herschel, William, 1782 - 1783, Fixt Stars, RAS Archive W. Herschel, 4/1.4
HW1817 Herschel, William, 1817, Astronomical Observations to investigate the Local Arrangement of the Celestial Bodies in Space and the Milky Way, Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 302 - 331
S182. Hind, John, 1845, Schreiben an den Herausgeber, AN 23 (No 549), pp. 351 - 356
S183. Hind, John, 1850, Auszug aus einem Briefe des Herrn Hind, AN 30 (No 712), p. 257
S184. Hind, John, 1850, Auszug aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Hind an den Herausgeber, AN 30 (No 713), p. 275
S185. Hind, John, 1852, New Nebula, MNRAS 12, p. 208
S186. Hind, John, 1853, Auszug aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Hind an die Redaktion, AN 35 (No 839), p. 371
S187. Hind, John, 1852, Letter to John Herschel (12.5.1852)
S188. Hodierna, Giovanni, 1654, De systemate orbis cometici, deque admirandis coeli characteribus, Palermo
HE1878 Holden, Edward, 1878, Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made during the Year 1875 at the United States Naval Observatory, p. 285 (1/11/1875 "nova")
S189. Holden, Edward, 1882, List of New Nebulae and Cluster Discovered in the Zone Observations at the Washburn Observatory, Publ. Washburn Obs. I, pp. 73 - 76
S190. Holden, Edward, 1884, Two New Nebulae, Publ. Washburn Obs. II, p. 101
HE1888 Holden, Edward, 1888, Observations of Nebulae at the Lick Observatory, MNRAS 48, pp. 388 - 392
S191. Hough, George, 1883, New Nebulae, AN 106 (No 2524), p. 63
HH1898 Howe, Herbert, 1898, Observations of Nebulae, MNRAS 58, pp. 356 - 361
HH1898.1 Howe, Herbert, 1898, Observations of Nebulae, MNRAS 58, pp. 515 - 522
S192. Howe, Herbert, 1898, List of Nebulae discovered at the Chamberlin Observatory, University Park, Colorado, MNRAS 58, pp. 523 - 524
S193. Howe, Herbert, 1899, Nebulae discovered at the Chamberlin Observatory, University Park, Colorado, MNRAS 60, pp. 129 - 130
S194. Howe, Herbert, 1899, Observations of Nebulae made at the Chamberlin Observatory, University Park, Colorado, MNRAS 60, pp. 130 - 142
S195. Howe, Herbert, 1900, Nebulae discovered at the Chamberlin Observatory, University Park, Colorado, MNRAS 60, pp. 611 - 612
S196. Howe, Herbert, 1900, Observations of Nebulae made at the Chamberlin Observatory, University Park, Colorado, MNRAS 61, pp. 29 - 51

S197. Innes, Robert, 1898, Nebulae observed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, MNRAS 58, pp. 329 - 331
S198. Innes, Robert, 1899, Nebulae observed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in 1898, MNRAS 59, p. 339
S199. Innes, Robert (and Lunt, Joseph S218, pp. 468 - 469), 1902, Notes on Nebulae observed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, MNRAS 62, pp. 469 - 470

S200. Javelle, Stephane, 1895, Catalogue de Nebuleuses, Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice 4, pp. B1 - B39
S201. Javelle, Stephane, 1897, Catalogue de Nebuleuses (Deuxieme Catalogue), Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice 6, pp. B1 - B29
S202. Javelle, Stephane, 1908, Catalogue de Nebuleuses (Troisieme Catalogue), Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice 11, pp. D1 - D52

S203. Keeler, James Edward, 1899, Small Nebulae discovered with the Crossley Reflector of the Lick Observatory, MNRAS 59, pp. 537 - 538
S204. Kirch, Gottfried, 1682, Ephemeridum Motuum Coelestium Ad Annum Aerae Christianae 1682. Cum Appendice Observationum Nonnullarum Astronomicarum., Leipzig
S205. Kobold, Hermann, 1893, Berichtigungen zum New General Catalogue of Nebulae, AN 133 (No 3184), pp. 269 - 272
S206. Kobold, Hermann, 1894, Berichtigungen zu Dreyer New General Catalogue of Nebulae, AN 136 (No 3241), p. 11
KH1909 Kobold, Hermann, 1909, Beobachtungen von Nebelflecken ausgeführt in den Jahren 1880 - 1902 von H. Kobold, A. Winnecke und W. Schur; I. TEIL 1880 bis 1896 Oktober Im wesentlichen beobachtet von H. Kobold, Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitätssternwate in Strassburg, Dritter Band, Karlsruhe 1909, pp. (0) - 13 introduction, pp. 15 - 69 Beobachtungen
S207. Koehler, Johann, 1779, Beobachtung des Kometen vom Jahr 1779 und Entdeckung einiger neuer Nebelsterne, Astronomisches Jahrbuch oder Ephemeriden für das Jahr 1782, pp. 151 - 157

S208 = S209. Lacaille, Nicolas, 1761, Remarques sur les etoiles nebuleuses, Hist. de l'Acad. Sci. for 1755, pp. 194 - 199
S210. Lamp, Ernst, 1883, Beobachtung von neuen Nebeln an der Kieler Sternwarte, AN 106 (No 2544), p. 381
LW1867P Lassell, William, 1867, Observations of Planets and Nebulæ at Malta (plates of the nebulae), MmRAS, 36, pp. P001 - P010 (pp. 1 - 35 of that paper have nothing with nebulae, and pp. 53 - 75 are mostly Albert Marth's observations of the nebulae)
S211. Lassell, William, 1848, Schreiben an den Herausgeber, AN 27 (No 635), pp. 171 - 176
S212 = S213. Lassell, William, 1867, A Catalogue of New Nebulæ discovered at Malta with the Four-foot Equatoreal in 1863 to 1865, MNRAS 36, pp. 53 - 75
S214. Lassell, William, 1862, Letter to John Herschel, 1 Nov. 1862, RAS Archive J. Herschel
S215. Le Gentil, Guillaume, 1755, Mémoire sur une étoile nébuleuse nouvellement découverte à côte de celle qui est audessus de celle de la ceinture d'Androméde, Sav. étrangers Vol. II, pp. 137 - 145
S216. Le Gentil, Guillaume, 1765, Remarques sur les Étoiles Nebuleuses, Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. Année 1759, pp. 453 - 471
S217. Lohse, Gerhard, 1887, Observations of Nova Cygni, etc..., MNRAS 47, pp. 494 - 498
S218. Lunt, Joseph (and Innes, Robert S199, pp. 469 - 470), 1902, Notes on Nebulae observed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, MNRAS 62, p. 468

S219. Mairan, Jean-Jacques, 1733, Traite physique et historique de l'Aurore Boréale, Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Année 1731, pp. 259 - 263
S220. Maraldi, Jean-Dominique, 1751, Observations de la Comète qui a paru au mois d'Aout 1746, Mém. Acad. Roy. des Sciences pour 1746, pp. 55 - 62
S221. Marius, Simon, 1614, Mundus Iovialis
(S212 = S213.) Marth, Albert (see S212 = S213. Lassell, William)
S222. Méchain, Pierre, 1783, Ueber die Bahn des zweyten Kometen von 1781. Entdeckung einiger Nebelsterne; die Elemente der Bahn des neuen Planeten und astronomische Beobachtungen, Astronomisches Jahrbuch for 1786, pp. 231 - 237
S223. Messier, Charles, 1771?, Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des amas d'Etoiles, Hist. de l'Acad. Sci. 1771, pp. 435 - 461
S224. Messier, Charles 1780, Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des amas d'Etoiles, Connoissance des Temps 1783, pp. 225 - 254
S225. Messier, Charles, 1780, Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des amas d'Etoiles, Connoissance des Temps 1783, p. 408
S226. Messier, Charles, 1781, Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des amas d'Etoiles, Connoissance des Temps 1784, pp. 227 - 272
S227. Messier, Charles, 1798, Observations Astronomiques, 1770-1774, Connoissance des Temps 1801, p. 461

S228. Newcomb, Simon, 1878, Observations made with the XXVI-inch Equatorial, 1875, Astronomical and meteorological observations made during the year 1875 at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Vol. 15, p. 285

S229. Olbers, Wilhelm, 1826, Auszug aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Doctors und Ritters Olbers, an den Herausgeber, AN 5 (No 104), p. 121
S230. Oriani, Barnaba, 1781, Lage von drey neuen Nebelsternen, welche aus Anlass des Kometen von 1779. auf der Sternwarte zu Mayland von Herrn Oriani im Sternbilde der Jungfrau beobachtet worden, Astronomisches Jahrbuch für 1784, pp. 181 - 182

S231. Palisa, Johann, 1900, Beobachtungen von Planeten, Cometen und Nebelflecken, AN 152 (No 3634), pp. 145 - 154
S232. Palisa, Johann, 1883, Beobachtung von neuen Nebeln: Am 12zöll. Refractor der Wiener Sternwarte, AN 106 (No 2544), p. 381
S233. Parsons, Lawrence, 1880, Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars 1848-1878, Scient. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. Vol. II, pp. 1 - 178 (plus appendices and plates)
PW1850 Parsons, William, 1850, Observations on the Nebulae, Phil. Trans. 140, plates XXXV - XXXVII plus pp. 499 - 514
S234. Parsons, William, 1861, On the Construction of Specula of Six-feet Aperture; and a selection from the Observations of nebulae made with them, Phil. Trans. 151, pp. 681 - 745ff (S233 covers observations more thoroughly)
S235. Pechüle, Frederick, 1886, Beobachtungen angestellt mit dem grossen Kopenhagener Refractor, AN 113 (No 2710), pp. 361 - 364
S236. Pechüle, Frederick, 1889, Beobachtungen angestellt auf der Sternwarte zu Kopenhagen, AN 122 (No 2911), pp. 137 - 144
S237. Pechüle, Frederick, 1894, Beobachtungen angestellt auf der Sternwarte zu Kopenhagen, AN 136 (No 3259), pp. 305 - 320
S238. Pechüle, Frederick, 1892, Beobachtungen des Cometen 1892, AN 129 (No 3117), pp. 161 - 164
S239. Peters, Christian, 1881, Positions of Nebulae. Series I, Copernicus I, pp. 51 - 54
S240. Peters, Christian, 1882, Positions of Nebulae. Series II, Copernicus II, pp. 54 - 55
S241. Peters, Christian, 1878, Verschiedene Beobachtungen von der Sternwarte des Hamilton College, AN 95 (No 2258), pp. 19 - 22
S242. Petersen, Adolph, 1850, Letter from Dr. A. C. Petersen of the Altona Observatory to the editor, AJ 1 (No 6), pp. 47 - 48
S243. Pickering, Edward, 1881, Remarkable Star Spectrum: New Planetary Nebula, Copernicus I, p. 242
S244. Pickering, Edward, 1881, New Planetary Nebulae, Obs. 4, pp. 81 - 83
S245. Pickering, Edward, 1882, New Planetary Nebulae, AN 103 (No 2454), p. 95
S246. Pickering, Edward, 1882, New Planetary Nebulae, AN 103 (No 2459), p. 165
S247. Pickering, Edward, 1882, Nebulae, Ann. Harv. Obs. 13, pp. 62 - 85
S248. Pickering, Edward, 1882, New Planetary Nebula, Obs. 5, pp. 26 - 27
S249. Pickering, Edward, 1882, Small Planetary Nebulae discovered at the Harvard College Observatory, Obs. 5, pp. 294 - 295
S250. Pickering, Edward, 1882, Small Planetary Nebula, Obs. 5, pp. 342 - 343
S251. Pickering, Edward, 1883, New Planetary Nebulae, AN 105 (No 2517), p. 335
S252. Pickering, Edward, 1890, Ann. Harv. Obs. 18, pp. 113 - 117
Pickering, Edward, 1891, Progress during the years 1891 to 1894, Ann. Harv. Obs. 26, pp. 197 - 212
S254. Pickering, Edward, 1908, Nebulae discovered at the Harvard College Observatory, Ann. Harv. Obs. 60, pp. 147 - 194
S255. Pigott, Edward, 1781, Account of a Nebula in Coma Berenices, Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London 71, pp. 82 - 83
S256. Ptolemy, Almagest

S257. Roberts, Isaac, 1894, Photograph of a "New" Spiral Nebula in Perseus, MNRAS 54, p. 371
S258. Roberts, Isaac, 1895, Photograph of the Cluster H VIII.76 and of a new Nebula in Cygnus, MNRAS 56, p. 33
S259. Roberts, Isaac, 1896, Photograph of the Nebula H IV 75 Cephei, MNRAS 56, p. 380
S260. Roberts, Isaac, 1897, Nebulae unrecorded in the Catalogues, AN 143 (No 3429), pp. 341 - 344
S261. Roberts, Isaac, 1898, Nebulae which are not recorded in the Catalogues, AN 147 (No 3509), p. 87
S262. Roberts, Isaac, 1903, On a region in Lynx rich in nebulae, AN 161 (No 3857), p. 301
S263. Roberts, Isaac, 1903, On the Nebula h 2302 N.GC 7822 Cassiopeiae; the Region surrounding H II. 457 N.G.C. 1665 Eridani, with ten new nebulae; and H III. 558 N.GC 7492 Auqarii, MNRAS 63, pp. 301 - 302
S264. Roberts, Isaac, 1895, Dr. Isaac Robert's Observatory, Crowborough Hill, Sussex, MNRAS 55, pp. 223 - 224
S265. Rümker, George, 1866, Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte, AN 63 (No 1508), pp. 305 - 318 (submitted Dec 1864 but published in Jan 1866 issue)
RG1866 Rümker, George, 1866, Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte (fortsetzung von #1508), AN 64 (No 1531), pp. 289 - 298
RG1866.1 Rümker, George, 1866, Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte (fortsetzung von #1531), AN 66 (No 1566), pp. 81 - 92
RG1866.2 Rümker, George, 1866, Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte (fortsetzung von #1566), AN 67 (No 1599), pp. 225 - 238
RG1867 Rümker, George, 1866, Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte (fortsetzung von #1599), AN 68 (No 1631), pp. 353 - 364
RG1895 Rümker, George, 1895, Positionsbestimmungen von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen Ausgeführt auf der Hamburger Sternwarte in den Jahren 1871 - 1880, Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwarte No. 1, pp. 1 - 62

S266. Safford, Truman, 1887, Nebulae found at the Dearborn Observatory, 1866-68, Annual Rep. of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Astronomical Society, together with the Report of the Director of the Dearborn Observatory for 1885 and 1886, pp. 37 - 41
S267. Schaeberle, John, 1892, A Large New Nebula in Auriga, PASP 4, p. 85
S268. Scheiner, Julius, 1896, Photographische Himmelskarte, Vol. 2, p. 221, plate 922, Potsdam
S269. Schmidt, Julius, 1862, Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte zu Athen, AN 57 (No ???), pp. 161 - 172
S270. Schmidt, Julius, 1865, Ueber die Beobachtung der Nebelgestirne, AN 64 (No ???), pp. 1 - 8
S271. Schmidt, Julius, 1865, Beobachtungen der Nebelgestirne und des Faye'schen Cometen, AN 65 (No ???), pp. 261 - 268
S272. Schmidt, Julius, 1867, Beobachtung des Cometen II. 1867 auf der Sternwarte zu Athen, AN 69 (No ???), p. 301
S273. Schmidt, Julius, 1876, Über einige im Cape-Catalog fehlende Nebel, AN 88 (No ???), pp. 137 - 140
S274. Schmidt, Julius, 1876, Ueber die Lage eines neuen veränderlichen Sterns in der südlichen Krone, AN 88 (No ???), p. 283
SJ1868 Schmidt, Julius, 1868, Mittlere Oerter von 110 Nebeln für 1865, AN 70 (No ???), pp. 343 - 352
S275. Schönfeld, Eduard, 1862, Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte zu Athen, AN 57 (No ???), pp. 161 - 172
S276. Schönfeld, Eduard, 1865, Ueber die Beobachtung der Nebelgestirne, AN 64 (No ???), pp. 1 - 8
S277. Schönfeld, Eduard, 1865, Beobachtungen der Nebelgestirne und des Faye'schen Cometen, AN 65 (No ???), pp. 261 - 268
S278. Schönfeld, Eduard, 1867, Beobachtung des Cometen II. 1867 auf der Sternwarte zu Athen, AN 69 (No ???), p. 301
S279. Schultz, Herman, 1874, Micrometrical Observations of 500 Nebulae, Nova Acta Soc. Sc. Upsala, Ser III Vol IX
SH1875 Schultz, Herman, 1875, A preliminary catalogue of Nebulae observed at Upsala,MNRAS Vol 35, pp. 135 -152
S280. Schultz, Herman, 1865, Beobachtung von Nebelflecken, AN 65 (No ???), pp. 297 - 300
S281. Schultz, Herman, 1875, Preliminary Catalogue of Nebulae observed at Upsala, MNRAS 35, pp. 135 - 152
SH1884 Schultz, Herman, 1884, Beobachtungen des telescopischen Sternhaufens Gen. Cat. Nr. 4976, AN 108 (No 20), pp. 371 - 372
S282. Schwassmann, Arnold, 1902, Vermessung von 301 Nebelflecken in der Virgo, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg 1, pp. 46 - 105
S283. Secchi, Angelo, 1866, Schreiben an den Herausgeber, AN 66 (No ???), p. 161
S284. Secchi, Angelo, 1853, Entdeckung eines neuen Nebelflecks, AN 36 (No ???), p. 243 (read yellow comment note)
SR1887 Spitaler, Rudolf, 1887, Ueber den Ringnebel in der Leyer, AN 117 (No 1800), pp. 261-262
SR1889 Spitaler, Rudolf, 1889, Beobachtungen auf der Wiener Sternwarte im Jahre 1888, AN 123 (No 2932), pp. 49 - 61 ("Nebel" on p. 60)
SR1890 Spitaler, Rudolf, 1890, Planeten- und Cometen-Beobachtungen im Jahre 1889, AN 125 (No 2992), pp. 257 - 270 ("Nebel" on p. 265)
S285. Spitaler, Rudolf, 1890, Beobachtungen von Cometen und Nebeln, AN 125 (No 2993), pp. 281 - 286
SR1891 Spitaler, Rudolf, 1891, Ueber den Nebel NGC. 1186., AN 127 (No 3030), p. 92
SR1892 Spitaler, Rudolf, 1892, Ueber den Nebel NGC 163., AN 130 (No 3100), pp. 57 - 60
S286. Spitaler, Rudolf, 1893, Beobachtung von Nebelflecken, AN 132 (No 3167), pp. 369 - 394
S287. Stephan, Édouard, 1870, Positions moyennes pour 1870, de Nébuleuses nouvelles découvertes et observées par Mr. Stephan à l'observatoire de Marseille (I), AN 76 (No 1810), p. 159
SE1871 Stephan, Édouard, 1871, Nébuleuses nouvelles découvertes et observées par E. Stephan, à l'Observatoire de Marseille, à l'aide du telescope Foucault de 0m80. (II), AN 78 (No 1867), pp. 295 - 298
SE1871.1 Stephan, Édouard, 1871, Nebulae discovered and observed at the Observatory of Marseilles with the Foucault Telescope of 0.m80., MNRAS 32, pp. 23 - 25 (similar to SE 1871, but with some differences)
S288. Stephan, Édouard, 1872, Nébuleuses découvertes et observées à l'observatoire de Marseille., Comp. Rend. 74, pp. 444 - 445
S289. Stephan, Édouard, 1872, Nébuleuses découvertes et observées à l'observatoire de Marseille par Mr. E. Stephan. (III), AN 79 (No 1876), p. 61 - 62
S290. Stephan, Édouard, 1873, Nébuleuses découvertes et observées à l'observatoire de Marseille par E. Stephan. (IV), AN 81 (No 1939), p. 303 - 304
S291. Stephan, Édouard, 1873, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 76, pp. 1073 - 1074
S292. Stephan, Édouard, 1873, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 77, pp. 1365 - 1366
SE1874 Stephan, Édouard, 1874, Nébuleuses découvertes et observées à l'observatoire de Marseille par E. Stephan. (V), AN 83 (No 1972), pp. 51 - 54
S293. Stephan, Édouard, 1874, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille par Mr. Stephan (VI), AN 83 (No 1977), p. 137
S294. Stephan, Édouard, 1876, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (VII), Comp. Rend. 83, pp. 328 - 330
S295. Stephan, Édouard, 1877, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 84, pp. 641 - 642
SE1877 Stephan, Édouard, 1877, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille par M. E. Stephan (VIII), MNRAS 37, pp. 334 - 336
S296. Stephan, Édouard, 1877, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 84, pp. 704 - 706
S297. Stephan, Édouard, 1878, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (IX), Comp. Rend. 87, pp. 869 - 871
S298. Stephan, Édouard, 1880, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (X), Comp. Rend. 90, pp. 837 - 839
SE1881 Stephan, Édouard, 1881, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (XI), AN (No 2390), pp. 209 - 216
S299. Stephan, Édouard, 1881, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (XI-a), Comp. Rend. 92, pp. 1128 - 1129
S300. Stephan, Édouard, 1881, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (XI-b), Comp. Rend. 92, pp. 1183 - 1184
S301. Stephan, Édouard, 1881, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 92, pp. 1260 - 1262
S302. Stephan, Édouard, 1883, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees par M. E. Stephan a l'Observatoire de Marseille (XII), AN 105 (No 2502), pp. 81 - 90
S303. Stephan, Édouard, 1883, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille (XII), Comp. Rend. 96, pp. 546 - 549
S304. Stephan, Édouard, 1883, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 96, pp. 609 - 612
S305. Stephan, Édouard, 1885, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 100, pp. 1043 - 1046
S306. Stephan, Édouard, 1885, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille, Comp. Rend. 100, pp. 1107 - 1110
S307. Stephan, Édouard, 1877, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille par Mr. Stephan, AN 89 (No 2129), p. 263
S308. Stephan, Édouard, 1872, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille par Mr. Stephan, AN 78 (No 1867), pp. 295 - 296
S309. Stephan, Édouard, 1874, Nebuleuses decouvertes et observees a l'Observatoire de Marseille par Mr. Stephan, AN 83 (No 1971), pp. 51 - 52
S310. Stephan, Édouard, 1883, New Nebulae, The Observatory vol 6, (No 73), p. 162
S311. Stone, Ormond, 1886, List of Nebulas observed at the Leander McCormick Observatory, and supposed to be new, AJ 7 (No 146), pp. 9 - 14
S312. Stone, Ormond, 1887, Second list of Nebulas observed at the Leander McCormick Observatory, and supposed to be new, AJ 7 (No 152), pp. 57 - 61
S313. Stone, Ormond (et al.), 1915, Southern Nebulae, Publ. Leander McCormick Obs. 1, pp. 173 - 241
S314. Stratonov, Vsevolod, 1896, Nouvelles Nebuleuses dans les Pleiades, AN 141 (No 3366), p. 103
S315. Struve, Otto, 1866, Observations de quelques nebuleuses, Melanges Math. Astron. III, pp. 569 - 587
S316. Struve, Otto, 1866, Entdeckung einiger schwacher Nebelflecke, Melanges Math. Astron. III, pp. 689 - 694
S317. Struve, Otto, 1869, Wiederkehr des Winneckeschen Cometen und Entdeckung einiger neuer Nebelflecke, Melanges Math. Astron. IV, pp. 392 - 398
S318. Struve, Wilhelm, 1827, Catalogus novus generalis stellarum duplicium et multiplicium
S319. Swift, Lewis, 1885, Catalogue No. 1 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 112 (No ???), pp. 313 - 318
S320. Swift, Lewis, 1885, Catalogue No. 2 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 113 (No ???), pp. 305 - 310
S321. Swift, Lewis, 1885, The Nebulae, Sid. Mess. IV, pp. 36 - 43 (NGC 1360 is on p. 39)
S322. Swift, Lewis, 1886, Catalogue No. 3 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 115 (No 2746), pp. 153 - 158
S323. Swift, Lewis, 1886, Catalogue No. 4 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 115 (No 2752), pp. 257 - 262
S324. Swift, Lewis, 1886, Catalogue No. 5 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 116 (No 2763), pp. 33 - 38
S325. Swift, Lewis, 1887, Catalogue No. 6 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 117 (No 2798), pp. 217 - 222
SL1888 Swift, Lewis, 1888, Catalogue No. 7 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 120 (No 2859), pp. 33 - 38
S326. Swift, Lewis, 1889, Catalogue No. 8 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 122 (No 2918), pp. 241 - 246
S327. Swift, Lewis, 1890, Catalogue No. 9 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 126 (No 3004), pp. 49 - 54
SL1891 Swift, Lewis, 1891, Erratum to "Catalogue No. 9 of Nebulae" in AN 3004, AN 126 (No 3014), p. 226
S328. Swift, Lewis, 1892, Catalogue No. 10 of Nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory, AN 129 (No 3094), pp. 361 - 364
S329. Swift, Lewis, 1882, The Merope Nebulae, MNRAS 42, pp. 107 - 109
SL1896 Swift, Lewis, 1896, Catalogue No. 1 for 1900.0 of Nebulas Discovered at the Lowe Observatory, California, AJ17, pp. 27-28
SL1897 Swift, Lewis, 1897, Catalogue No. 2 of Nebulae Discovered at the Lowe Observatory, Echo Mountain, California, MNRAS 57, pp. 629-631
SL1897.1 Swift, Lewis, 1897, Catalogue No. 3 of Nebulae Discovered at the Lowe Observatory, Echo Mountain, California, MNRAS 57, pp. 631-632
S330. Swift, Lewis, 1898, Catalogue No. 11 of Nebulae, AN 147 (No 3517), pp. 209 - 220
S331. Swift, Lewis, 1899, List No. 12 of Nebulae discovered at the Lowe Observatory, Echo Mountain, California, for 1900.0, MNRAS 59, pp. 568 - 569
S332. Swift, Lewis, 1892, Notes on new and old nebulae, Astr. & Astro-Phys. 11, pp. 566 - 567
1892SL Swift, Lewis, 1892, Discovery of Nebulae, Astr. & Astro-Phys. 11, pp. 197 - 198
S333. Swift, Lewis, 1893, New Nebulae discovered by Lewis Swift at Warner Observatory, Rochester, New York, MNRAS 53, p. 273

S334. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1861, Schreiben des Herrn Wilh. Tempel an den Herausgeber, AN 54 (No 1290), pp. 285 - 286
1862TW Tempel, Wilhelm, 1862, Skizze der Orion-Nebelflecke, AN 58 (No 1383), p. 227A
1877TW Tempel, Wilhelm, 1877, Ueber... Messier 8, von John Herschel und Wilhelm Tempel, AN 90 (No 2159), pp. 355 - 358
S335. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1878, Schreiben des Herrn W. Tempel and den Herausgeber (Tempel list I), AN 93 (No 2212), pp. 49 - 62
S336. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1879, Beobachtung des Brorsen'schen Cometen und eines neuen Nebelflecks (Tempel list II), AN 94 (No 2253), p. 335
S337. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1879, Schreiben des Herrn W. Tempel and den Herausgeber (Tempel list III), AN 96 (No 2284), pp. 61 - 64
S338. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1880, Beobachtung, angestellt auf der Sternwarte Arcetri bei Florenz (Tempel list IV), AN 98 (No 2347), pp. 299 - 304
S339. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1882, Neue Nebelflecke, aufgefunden und beobachtet auf der Sternwarte zu Arcetri (Tempel list V), AN 102 (No 2439), pp. 225 - 238
S340. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1883, Einige neue Nebel und ein Nebelnest (Tempel list VI), AN 105 (No 2511), pp. 235 - 238
S341. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1883, Beobachtung von Cometen und Nebelflecken, angestellt auf der Sternwarte Arcetri (Tempel list VII), AN 106 (No 2522), pp. 27 - 30
S342. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1883, Notiz über einige neue und ältere Nebel (Tempel list VIII), AN 106 (No 2527), pp. 107 - 110
S343. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1885, Neue Nebel (Tempel list IX), AN 111 (No 2660), p. 315
S344. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1885, Notiz über verschiedene neue Nebel (Tempel list X), AN 113 (No 2691), p. 47
S345. Tempel, Wilhelm, 1879, Wiederauffindung und Beobachtung des Cometen II 1867, angestellt auf der Sternwarte Arcetri, AN 95 (No 2269), pp. 199 - 202
S346. Thomé, John, 1892, Cordoba Durchmusterung, Vol. I
S347. Thomé, John, 1894, Cordoba Durchmusterung, Vol. II
S348. Todd, David, 1885, Telescopic search for the Trans-Neptunian planet, AN 113 (No 2698), pp. 153 - 160
S349. Trouvelot, Etienne, 1882, The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings Manual, New York, p. 151
S350. Tucker, Richard, 1894, New Nebula, PASP 6, p. 66

S351. Vespucci, Amerigo, 1504, Mundus Novus, (see S132 = Dekker, Elly, 1990)
VH1867 Vogel, Hermann, 1867, Verzeichniss von hundert Nebelflecken..., AN 70 (No 1667), pp. 161 - 172
S352. Vogel, Hermann, 1884, Einige Beobachtungen mit dem grossen Refractor der Wiener Sternwarte, Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums Potsdam 4, pp. 1 - 38
S353. Vogel, Hermann, 1876, Positionsbestimmungen von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen zw. +9° 30 und +15° 30 Declination, Leipzig
S354. Voigt, Auguste, 1865, 1ere Liste des dix nebuleuses nouvelles (first published by W. Tobin, Vistas in Astronomy 30, pp. 145 - 152 (1987))

S355. Webb, Thomas, 1859, Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, London (Link is for the 1868 Second Edition, declared substantially enlarged in the Introduction)
S356. Webb, Thomas, (years?), Observation book, (no reference given by Steinicke)
S357. Weinek, Ladislaus, 1901, Astronomische Beobachtungen an der K. K. Sternwarte zu Prag 1892-99, p. 35 - 40 (noted on p. 474 of Steinicke's book)
S358. Weiss, Edmund, 1883, Planeten- und Cometenbeobachtungen auf der neuen Wiener Sternwarte, AN 105 (No 2520), pp. 369 - 386
S359. Weiss, Edmund, 1885, Beobachtungen von Planeten und Cometen angestellt auf der Wiener Sternwarte während des Jahres 1885, AN 114 (No 2732), pp. 337 - 354
S360. Weiss, Edmund, 1887, Beobachtungen von Planeten und Cometen angestellt auf der Wiener Sternwarte während des Jahres 1886, AN 116 (No 2782-83), pp. 337 - 354
S361. Weiss, Edmund, 1889, Beobachtungen auf der Wiener Sternwarte im Jahre 1888, AN 123 (No 2932), pp. 49 - 64
S362. Weiss, Edmund, 1890, Planeten- und Cometen-Beobachtungen im Jahre 1889, AN 125 (No 2992), pp. 257 - 270
S363. Weiss, Edmund, 1894, Beobachtungen auf der k. k. Sternwarte, AN 135 (No 3235), pp. 337 - 342
S364. Weiss, Edmund, 1897, Beobachtungen auf der k.k. Sternwarte zu Wien, AN 143 (No 3412), pp. 49 - 56
S365. Wilson, Herbert, 1895, A New Nebula, AJ 15 (No 358), p. 184
S366. Wilson, Herbert, 1892, Two New Nebulae, Astr. & Astro-Phys. 11, p. 247
S367. Winnecke, August, 1857, Notiz über Nebelflecke, AN 45 (No 1072), pp. 247 - 250
WA1869 Winnecke, August, 1868/69, Doppelsternmessungen. Von Herrn Dr. A. Winnecke, AN 73 (No 1738), pp. 145 - 160
S368. Winnecke, August, 1879, Über die periodische Veränderlichkeit in der Helligkeit des Nebelflecks h882 = H I 20, AN 96 (No 2293), pp. 201 - 206
S369. Winnecke, August, 1909, Beobachtung von Nebelflecken ausgeführt in den Jahren 1875 - 80, Ann. Univ. Sternw. Strasbourg, Vol. 3, pp. 1 - 118 (Steinicke notes p. 105 in particular)
WA1909 Winnecke, August, 1909, Katalog von Nebelfleckenausgeführt in den Jahren 1875 - 80 von A. Winnecke, Ann. Univ. Sternw. Strasbourg, Vol. 3, pp. 189 - 198
WA1901.1 Winnecke, August, 1909, Vergleichung der Beobachtungen von Winnecke mit anderen Beobachtunsreihen, Ann. Univ. Sternw. Strasbourg, Vol. 3, pp. 199 - 208
S370. Wolf, Max, 1891, Ueber den grossen Nebel um ζ Orionis, AN 127 (No 3027), p. 39 -41
S371. Wolf, Max, 1891, Ueber grosse Nebelmassen im Sternbild Schwan, AN 127 (No 3048), p. 427
S372. Wolf, Max, 1893, Photografische Aufnahmen der Nova Auriga und einiger neuer ausgedehnter Nebelflecken, AN 131 (No 3130), pp. 157 - 160
S373. Wolf, Max, 1894, Ueber einige neue Nebelflecke, AN 134 (No 3214), pp. 365 - 368
S374. Wolf, Max, 1902, Verzeichnis von 154 Nebelflecken in Cancer und Lynx (Königstuhl-Nebelliste No. 1), Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band I, pp. 11 - 15
WM1902 Wolf, Max, 1902, Die Nebelflecken am Pol der Milchstrasses (Königstuhl-Nebelliste No. 3), Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band I, pp. 125 - 176
S375. Wolf, Max, 1903, Über eine Eigenschaft der großen Nebel, AN 161 (No 3848), pp. 129 - 132
S376. Wolf, Max, 1904, A remarkable Nebula in Cygnus connected with Starless Regions, MNRAS 64, pp. 838 - 840
S377. Wolf, Max, 1905, Ein schöner Spiralnebel, AN 168 (No 4013), p. 75
S378. Wolf, Max, 1905, The Great Nebula of ψ Eridani, MNRAS 65, pp. 528 - 529
S379. Wolf, Max, 1906, Ausgedehnte Nebelflecken, AN 171 (No 4082), p. 27
S380. Wolf, Max, 1906, Extended Nebula near 26 Ceti, MNRAS 67, p. 91
S381. Wolf, Max, 1906, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste 4. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeitsverteilung von 272 Nebelflecken bei 17 Comae, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band II, pp. 57 - 64
S382. Wolf, Max, 1906, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste 5. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeitsverteilung von 239 Nebelflecken bei 12 Canum, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band II, pp. 77 - 84
S383. Wolf, Max, 1906, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste 6. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeitsverteilung von 204 Nebelflecken bei 35 Comae, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg, Band II, pp. 89 - 95
S384. Wolf, Max, 1907, Ein Nebelfleckhaufen und Nebelreichtum im Sagittarius, AN 176 (No 4207), pp. 109 - 112
S385. Wolf, Max, 1907, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste 7. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeitsverteilung von 310 Nebelflecken bei Iota Leonis, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band III, pp. 77 - 85
WM1908. Wolf, Max, 1908, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste-8. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeits-vergleichung von 770 Nebelflecken bei +33°2174 Ursae, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band III, pp. 87 - 108
WM 1909. Wolf, Max, 1909, Königstuhl-Nebel-Liste-9. Mittlere Örter, Beschreibung und Helligkeits-vergleichung von 402 Nebelflecken bei 43 Comae, Publ. Astrophys. Inst. Königstuhl-Heidelberg Band III, pp. 149 - 160
S386. Wolf, Max, 1903, Über eine nebelreiche Gegend in Lynx, AN 161 (No 3847), p. 127

S387. Young, Charles, 1883, Editorial Notes, Sid. Mess. 2, p. 252