"Recent" Updates
2025 Additions/Changes
Jan 16, 2025: Updated the entry for the star that is NGC 7564 and the galaxy that is almost always misidentified as that NGC object.

2024 Additions/Changes
Dec 29: Despite long break due to need to complete "Blind Man's Bluff", made minor updates to The Discovery of the Outer Planets and The Discovery of Pluto (the latter mostly involving notes to myself for future major updates).
Oct 22 - Oct 26: Began a complete update of NGC 7400 - 7449. Some entries for NGC 7300 - 7399 still need updating but involve more thought than I want to give them at the moment, so decided to start updating the next page, and come back to the more difficult items at a (hopefully only slightly) later date.
Oct 20: After a long break due to real-world problems, resumed work on this site by altering the Earlier Misidentification of NGC 7338 to reflect Wolfgang Steinicke's most recent update of his NGC/IC database. Not all real-world problems have been resolved, so progress will be slow for a while, but at least there will be some progress most days, and certainly every week.
Sep 17: Completed a difficult update of NGC 7358 and IC 5250; also, over the previous several days, took care of Physical Information and updated images for several galaxies on the page for NGC 7350 - 7399.
Sep 2: Completed Physical Information and most of images for NGC 7378 to NGC 7385.
Aug 19 - Sep 1: Completed Physical Information and added numerous new images for NGC 7358 to NGC 7378.
Aug 18: While working on NGC 7350-7399, discovered that a blunder in a NASA press release about a Herschel telescope image of NGC 7538 has led to a phethora of articles about "NGC 7358" showing the emission nebula, instead of the lenticular galaxy that is actually NGC 7358. As a result, though not quite done with the entry for the correct object, I felt it necessary to post a warning here as quickly as possible.
Aug 5 - 15: Nearly finished with NGC 7300-7349, but because some of the entries on that page refer to entries on the following page (and vice-versa), started a thorough revision of NGC 7350 - 7399, as well.
Jul 30 - Aug 4: Continuing work on NGC 7300-7349; about 80% done w/Physical Information AND new/improved images.
Jul 29: Continuing work on NGC 7300 - 7349; have finished 2/3 of Physical Information entries, and added numerous DESI Legacy, and some HST and JWST images to the first 20+ entries.
Jul 7: Trying to turn the discussion of NGC 7287 from an unholy mess to something that makes sense and agrees with both historical and modern interpretations of the three supposed observations of the object.
Jul 6: Due to queries about several objects on the page for NGC 7250 - 7299, updated several entries toward the end of that page. Still a bit to do before being done, but should get back to NGC 7300 - 7349 on Sunday.
Jul 1: Updated the discovery data for Messier's observations of M61 (NGC 4303), which he first observed on May 5, 1779 (the same night it was discovered by Barnaba Oriani), while he and Oriani were observing the Comet of 1779. Oriani realized it was a new nebula on that date, but Messier made three observations of its position (on the 5th, 6th and 11th of May) before realizing that since it had not moved it could not be the Comet, and therefore did not record it as M61 until May 11. However, even though it took him until then to realize that it was a nebula, his first observation (on May 5, 1779) is the proper date of discovery, and I have changed the appropriate entries to reflect that.
Jun 25: Completed basic work for all entries on the page for NGC 7300-7349; started final steps (historical identification, physical properties and improved images) for NGC 7300; but due to considerable confusion involving its identification, have yet to move beyond that.
Jun 20: Continuing work on NGC 7300 - 7349; completed all entries related to NGC 7325 and 7326 (skipping 7327 for now, since it's a real mess and probably can't have a satisfying result).
Jun 16: Partially updated NGC 7300 - 7331, so well on way to bringing page up to snuff.
Jun 15: Updated and completed entry for NGC 1313 to take advantage of Rolf Wahl Olsen wide-field image of the spiral galaxy.
Jun 4/5: Continuing work on NGC 7300-7649; re-checked (and corrected some errors) for Dreyer's NGC entries, and created and completed two entries for the usually very-messed-up NGC 7304.
Jun 2: Continuing work on NGC 7300 - 7349; finished re-checking Corwin's positions for all objects on the page, added all major designations and Gottlieb's comments for 7300 - 7318, the second of five members of Stephan's Quintet (also known as Arp 319 and Hickson Compact Group 92).
May 30: Given the questions about NGC 7255 and 58, decided to work on NGC 7300 - 7349, to try to keep ahead of French Wikipedia updates using this site. Took care of initial work on NGC 7300 - 7307.
May 28: As a result of a question, corrected conflicting classifications for spiral galaxy NGC 7258, but mostly continued work on NGC 7750+.
May 21 onward: Working on updates for NGC 7750 - 7759; should finish in June.
May 20: Completed all work on NGC 7800 - 7840, including the addition of better images for several of the "later" entries, and providing two entries for the controversial emission nebula NGC 7822. Per a request to add any objects in my catalog to a UGC catalog, I will be slowly updating that and a corresponding PGC catalog over the next two or three weeks, but most of my effort for the next month will be in bringing NGC 7850 - 7899 (which I have already started working on) up to date, and working on my eighth (and probably final) Erindale Tale, "Blind Man's Bluff", which concludes the story started in volume 2 of the series, "The Maiden All Forlorn".
May 18: Slightly revised entry for NGC 7836, to reflect the fact that it is a strange galaxy.
May 15: Completed work on NGC 7833 through 7836, and for PGC 1813988, a galaxy in the same region as NGC 7833, but not actually part of that "asterism" (a group of nearby stars, whereas the galaxy is more than a billion light-years away). Also added much better "close-up" images of NGC 7834, 7835 and 7836.
May 14: Continued work on NGC 7831 to 7832, and updated the entry for IC 5386, which is a duplicate entry for NGC 7832.
Apr 24: Added information for NGC 7825 to 7830, and information and images for NGC 7825 and PGC 353.
Apr 23: Added Physical Information for NGC 7824 & 7825 and added companions PGC 366 and PGC 376.
Apr 22: Added Physical Information for NGC 7816 - NGC 7823 (temporarily skipped 7822) and any apparent or actual compantions. Added better images of NGC 7816, 7818, 7819, 7820, 7821 and 7823.
Apr 21: Added Physical Information for NGC 7800 - 7815 and any apparent or actual companions. Added improved images of NGC 7802, 7803, 7807, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7811, 7814, PGC 108, 89, 92, 97, 219 and 1944121.
Apr 20: Completed almost all IDs and discovery information not NGC 7800- 7840. Well into working on all apparent companions of the NGC objects, including their physical characteristics and up-to-date images.
Apr 9: As part of the final check of identifications for NGC 7800-7840, considerably updated text and images for NGC 7813 (probably lost or nonexistent) and IC 5384 (usually mistakenly treated as a duplicate observation of NGC 7813).
Mar 24: Making slow but steady progress for NGC 7800 - 7840, with many additions and corrections to that page and linked pages (e.g., the Arp Atlas page). Still, much left to do before the page is "complete", so probably looking at early April for that.
Mar 17: Having completed the page noted below, started bringing the final page in the NGC catalog (for NGC 7800 - 7840) up to date. Since the later pages in the NGC are mostly less "complete" than the earlier ones, I plan to work backwards from there for the foreseeable future. There will undoubtedly be "special" updates for entries on other pages, when new images or other relatively important problems are brought to my attention (see the update for March 16 for an example), but skipping around for things like that slows completion of the overall project, so such things will be, though far more numerous reasons for "Recent Updates", a relatively minor part of my efforts.
Mar 17: Completely finished the page for IC 550 - 599. Although numerous pages are complete as far as the original goals for this catalog, this is the first page fully completed with the current (and almost certainly "final") goals. As time goes on, some entries may need updating because new information or images become available; but other than that, this is the best example of what a fully finished page will contain.
Mar 16: Updated the entry for NGC 7204 to correct an error in the identification of the individual galaxies in this strongly interacting pair, and added a much better image from the DESI Legacy image database.
Mar 12: Finished PGC entries for IC 550 - 599. Updating UGC entries mentioned on that page. Also, added Table of UGC Pages to the Celestial Atlas page, and the Introduction to the NGC/IC Pages page.
Mar 2: Finished all entries for IC 550 - 599. Updating PGC entries mentioned on that page.
Feb 27: Completed entries for IC 550 - 587.
Feb 19: Finished adding physical information and improved images (including two HST images) for IC 550 - 576.
Feb 16: Finished copying all LEDA/NED information for IC 550 - 599; now turning that into Physical Information (finished 550 - 559, working 560 - 599)
Feb 5: Despite considerable interruption by real-world concerns, finally finished comparing my discussion of IC 550 - 599 with Gottlieb and Corwin's notes, and am now adding Physical Information for the entries on that page.
Jan 1/2: Continued to work on IC 550 - 599. Discovered an easy way to access DECaLS DR5 images and started replacing poor images with superior ones.

2023 Additions / Changes
Dec 29: Fixed a blunder in the date of discovery for NGC 7108 (= NGC 7111).
Dec 25: Revised the entry for IC 554, generally presumed to be a duplicate observation of IC 555, but just as or more likely to be lost or nonexistent.
Dec 24: Posted a warning about a blunder in SIMBAD, HyperLEDA, and most celestial image databases, misidentifying NGC 7148 as IC 1407.
Dec 16: Despite real-world interruptions, making some progress on bringing IC 550 - 559 up to snuff.
Dec 5: Finally completed the entry for IC 591.
Nov 27: Correcting 2015 version of entry for IC 591, shown to be wrong in 2017, but for unknown reasons not corrected until now.
Oct 31: Completed initial updates (historical identification, discovery notes and some images) for NGC 6857 to 6864.
Oct 29: Completed entries for interacting galaxies NGC 6897 and 6898, and for merging spiral NGC 7727. Also started updating the entire page for NGC 6850 - 6899 (updated all of Corwin's positions, and took care of Historical Identification for 6850 - 6856).
Oct 22: Slightly altered and updated entries for NGC 6982 and the PGC object to its northeast, and continued fixing broken links on the de Vaucouleurs page.
Oct 21: Started and nearly finished a considerable update of the merging galaxy NGC 520, corrected an error in one of the Discoverers of the NGC/IC entries, and resumed work on replacing links to the University of Alabama's deleted website for Ron Buta's de Vaucouleurs Atlas of Galaxies website with Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine" links.
Oct 8: Turned bare-bones entry for NGC 6723 into a fully completed entry to take advantage of an ESO image.
Oct 5: Started work on the pair of galaxies, NGC 6897 and NGC 6898; still more to do.
Oct 2: Completely finished C5 (IC 342), and added note about the Maffei Group of galaxies to NGC 1560, NGC 1569, IC 342, Maffei 1 and Maffei 2. Also nearly finished updating Caldwell 6.
Oct 1: Updated NGC entries for Caldwell 3 & 4; also specified that precession of 1860 positions was for epoch 2000 for all objects on their NGC pages (although that was specified in the Notes for the NGC/IC Catalog, decided it might be best to have it in the individual entries as well).
Sep 28: Slightly updated (and completed) NGC entries for Caldwell 1 & 2, and checked external links to make sure they still work.
Sep 26: Fixed some broken links for Observatorio Antilhue images (Daniel Verschatse died in 2017, and his website is no longer online; but most of the images he gave me permission to use are still available in one place or another, and for all those that are, I will be using hopefully permanent URLs).
Sep 25: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C104 through C109.
Sep 24: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C100 through C103.
Sep 11 - 13: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C88 through C99.
Sep 10: Finished adding more IDs for C1 through C85, and for C86 and C87.
Sep 5: Took care of links/IDs/some images for C78 (started on Aug 25) through C85.
Aug 25: Turned the bare-bones description of IC 1297 into a fully updated and completed entry. Also did a thorough search for all NGC/IC objects in Corona Australis (abbreviation CRA) and found three that I had mistakenly listed as being in Crater (abbreviation CRT), aside from the already fixed error for IC 1297. Always rueful hearing that I've made such mistakes, but glad when a reader alerts me to their existence, as I might never notice such an error on my own.
Aug 24: Thanks to a keen-eyed reader, corrected the constellation for IC 1297.
Aug 23: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C62 through C77.
Aug 18 - 22: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C49 through C61.
Aug 17: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C46 through C48.
Aug 16: Added appropriate links & other IDs (and some images) for C38 through C45.
Aug 15: Added appropriate links & other IDs for Caldwell C31 through C37.
Aug 14: Added appropriate links & other IDs for Caldwell C21 through C30.
Aug 13: Added appropriate links & other IDs for Caldwell C9 through C20; and for C9, started a page for Caldwell Objects Not In The NGC/IC.
Aug 12: Added Caldwell Catalog numbers and all other relevant IDs to the entries for C4 through C8, and backlinks to the Caldwell Catalog for C1 through C8.
July 9: As part of a requested addition of Caldwell Catalog numbers to the Celestial Atlas Table of Contents, updated and completed entries for NGC 40, 188 and 4236.
July 2: Corrected the erroneous identification of IC 1268 as NGC 6468, which is actually a duplicate observation of NGC 6467; however, the entry for IC 1268 is still incomplete.
July 1: Despite the statement made on June 28, completed all entries related to NGC 6623.
June 28: Revised and completed the entries for NGC 6623 and PGC 61744, and started the entries for the other "apparent" companions of the NGC object; however, as noted in their (very incomplete) entries, there is almost nothing available for the remaining galaxies, so finishing their entries is not at the top of my list of to-dos.
June 11: (Important Note) Although not taken care of yet, there will be some changes to the Home Page, Site Map, and the banner about my fiction and such at the top of each page over the next few days (or weeks, if an error I found on one page turns out to be on a number of them). No posts will be made about such changes when made, as they should be obvious; but if you find ANY kind of mistake on this site, please use the Contact Me link at the top of each page to let me know about them, so I can correct them before they are erroneously repeated on sites that use mine as a reference.
June 10: Updated and completed the entry for NGC 6623. Due to my illness last year and the need to take care of a number of real-world tasks that were put off for months because of that illness, this is the first significant change to this site since last year; but from now on, though there are still numerous tasks that must be dealt with in a more timely manner, additions to this site will now resume on a more nearly regular basis.

2022 Additions / Changes
Nov 9: In response to a note about designation errors involving NGC 3232 and its apparent (but far more distant) neighbors, updated and completed that entry. Said "neighbors" will be dealt with tomorrow.
Nov 6: In response to a query about the classification of NGC 6409 (which is a spiral, not an elliptical), updated and completed that entry.
Sep 30 - Oct 30: Unexpectedly "took advantage" of trying to go to my sister's funeral by developing bilateral pneumonia, so spent a month in hospital and physical and occupational therapy; hence the long gap in any updates here.
Sep 25: Due to an imminent death in the family have been busy with real-world concerns, but am all done with what can be done in advance, so took advantage of some unexpected free time to complete the entry for spiral galaxy NGC 6317, previously misidentified as a lenticular galaxy.
Sep 6: Updated and completed entries for NGC 6290 and 6291 and their apparent companions. 6291 was misidentified as a spiral, but is an elliptical galaxy, and the two galaxies are a gravitationally interacting physical pair.
Aug 25 - Sep 5: Had to take a break because the AC in my office broke down, making it unbearably hot, and I didn't have any way to access my site's server from any of the "dinosaurs" scattered around the rest of the house. Received a new laptop capable of access my server late on the 5th, with the result shown in the Sep 6 update.
Aug 24: Updated and completed entry for globular cluster NGC 6540; later in the day, did the same thing for globular cluster NGC 6638.
Aug 23: Updated and completed entry for irregular galaxy NGC 1156.
Aug 12/13: Updated and completed entries for NGC 4567 and 4568,The Siamese Twins.
Aug 7: Posted entries for PGC 58109 and PGC 2233332, a possible triplet of galaxies about 430 to 450 million light-years away, which are misidentified in the HST press release showing their images, which will probably create considerable confusion about their identification in the future. Still, the images are great, and with help from experts in the field, I was able to unravel the tangle created by the erroneous press release.
Aug 5: As part of my work on NGC 5550 - 5599, added an entry for "notngc" object PGC 51269 to the appropriate page.
Aug 3/4: Thanks to a comment by Gottlieb, discovered that Dunlop 357, attributed by Herschel and Dreyer to what became NGC 5593, must actually be NGC 5822, and altered those entries to reflect that fact.
July 30: Completed an entry for NGC 6212, to take advantage of a 'raw' HST image.
July 25: Added a wide-field image of the NGC 5566 Group, which includes the three galaxies that comprise Arp 286, and slightly updated all entries related to that. Will work on that Group and completely update the page involved ASAP.
July 18: Created and completed an entry for globular cluster NGC 6569.
July 17: Created and completed an entry for globular cluster Terzan 2.
July 12: Finally completed the entry for globular cluster Terzan 9, put off for nearly a month due to illness.
July 6: Posted an entry for the "unusual merging galaxy" PGC 17532.
July 5: Due to some kind of mental glitch, lost a day and posted the wrong date for the entry of July 5 (PGC 17532); however, because a link to that update has already been posted elsewhere, the incorrect update will remain in its place.June 14 - July 4:Due to illness, did no work on this site, so the entry for June 13 is still unfinished.
June 13: Started an entry for globular cluster Terzan 9.
June 7: Completed entries for globular cluster Ruprecht 106, and for spiral galaxy NGC 1087.
June 5: Completed entry for NGC 7727 (= Arp 222).
June 3: Completed entry for NGC 7496.
June 2: Completed entry for Arp 226 and Arp 278.
May 30: As part of the updating of NGC 7250 to 7299, took advantage of an HST image to complete the entry for NGC 7250.
May 28: To take advantage of an HST image of PGC 6240, added an entry for that and an apparent (but not physical) companion, and considerably updated the entire page involved.
May 26: Finally finished the current iteration of NGC 7200 - 7249. Still need to clean up artifacts in some of the images and take care of the "cluster" formerly (incorrectly) listed as NGC 7234, but otherwise, it's time to go on to NGC 7250 - 7299.
May 25: Posted entries for giant spiral galaxy Malin 1 and Malin-like spiral galaxy PGC 68368.
May 22: Took advantage of NOAO and HST images of Liller 1 to create an entry for that globular cluster.
May 17: Took advantage of NOAO and HST images of NGC 6558 to complete the entry for that globular cluster.
May 14: As part of the update of NGC 7200 - 7249, created entries for IC 5195 and superthin galaxy PGC 68420.
May 10: As a result of a comment about the nickname of IC 708 (the "Papillon" Galaxy), completed the entries for IC 708 and 709, which are a physical pair (though perhaps not an interacting pair).
May 8: Haven't been feeling well lately, but am now done with almost all updates for NGC 7200 - 7249 except images and physical data, and am half done with that; so should finish that page within the next week or so.
May 4: Completed the entries for NGC 1510 and 1512 to take advantage of a NOIRLab image of the pair.
Apr 30: Started entry for the ultra-diffuse galaxy GAMA 526784.
Apr 19: Completed all entries for the members of Arp 321 = Hickson Compact Group 40, and the colliding pair of galaxies listed as VV 689 (= PGC 29031), the Angel Wing. The only exception to that statement is that the galaxy types are complex and need to be vetted by an expert.
Apr 17: Started complete update of NGC 7200 - 7249.
Apr 16: Finally "finished" NGC 7150 - 7199; still need to "clean up" PanSTARRS images and take care of some minor matters, but all important work on the page is now complete.
Apr 14: Another short break from NGC 7150+ to start an entry for planetary nebula EGB-6.
Apr 11: Took short break from work on NGC 7150-7199 to update and complete entry for NGC 4548 = M91.
Apr 5/6: Updated and completed entry for NGC 5921 to take advantage of HST image.
Apr 5: Completed identifications (and earlier stages of updating the page) for NGC 7150 - 7199; still need to add more images and physical information, but what is in some ways the hardest part of the task is done.
Mar 28: Updated and completed all entries for the members of Hickson Compact Group 90.
Mar 22: Updated and completed entry for spiral galaxy NGC 4571.
Mar 19: As part of the work fixing broken links, found a terrific image of IC 5063 by Judy Schmidt that I used to replace the one no longer online. The entry is far from complete, but the image is worth a long look.
Mar 15 onward: Discovered that because of the reorganization or disappearance of a few websites that I obtained images from, about 10% of the NGC/IC/PGC "Image Credit" links are broken, so I started hunting for where the original images ended up. At the start of work on the 15th there were just over 500 broken links out of the 5000+ links on the site; as of the end of work on the 16th there are a little less than 400 broken links remaining, and all but a couple of the 100+ links that I've already tried to recover have been successfully replaced with up-to-date links. (The completely "dead" links were posted by Professors of Astronomy who used their schools' servers for their posts, and as is standard practice, when they retired their schools deleted all of their posts. It was because I knew the same thing would happen to anything I posted on my College's server when I retired that I decided very early on to never use the school server for anything important, and to pay for my own website.)
Feb 23: Temporarily ended an extended hiatus in reported updates caused by working on cleaning up code in preparation for a later update to https:// status (not that that is really needed, because this is a read-only site and there is no way to enter any information, personal or otherwise; but the time may come when it is required for my site to be listed in Internet searches), and the need to finish my sixth novel (which will be published in March). As a result of today's post by NOIRLab, updated and completed the entry for the Spanish Dancer Galaxy, NGC 1566.
Jan 29: Started final comparison of all positions in Corwin's catalog with the entries in my NGC/IC catalog. Fixed two blunders involving apparent companions of one of the NGC objects.
Jan 27: Updated and completed entries for NGC 5828 and its apparent companion.
Jan 5 - 25: Mostly busy with real-world concerns, but did make numerous small and not-so-small changes to a number of pages involving the NGC/IC catalog; just nothing sufficiently significant and complete to bother with specific mention.
Jan 3: Updated and completed entries for NGC 105 and its apparent companion, PGC 212515, to take advantage of an HST image.

2021 Additions / Changes
Dec 28:Created and completed entry for PGC 52091, also known as UGC 9391, to take advantage of a new HST press release.
Dec 23: Updated and completed entries for NGC 3568 and NGC 7329 to take advantage of new HST images of the objects.
Dec 22: Updated and completed entry for NGC 1755 to take advantage of new HST image of the open cluster.
Dec 14: Due to an almost universal error in the identification of NGC 5655, updated and completed entries for that galaxy and the one previously misidentified as NGC 5655.
Dec 13: Due to an error in the NED, updated and completed the entry for NGC 5661 and its physically interacting companion.
Nov 16: Created entry for globular cluster GCL 32 = Palomar 5, due to receipt of a number of notices about various papers published in the last 20 years.
Nov 15: Created entriy for PGC 64458 to take advantage of HST Picture of the Week. No posts last week because of the death of a close friend; sometimes real-life events have to take precedence over other things.
Nov 8: Created entries for PGC 43679 and PGC 43690.
Nov 3: Completed entries for NGC 6984 and its interacting and background "companions".
Oct 28: Completed current update/iteration for NGC 5400 - 5449.
Oct 26: Completed entry for spiral galaxy NGC 2903. Started preparation for completing entry for NGC 2905, a star-forming region in NGC 2903.
Oct 22: Completed current iteration for NGC 5350 - 5399; not at all "done", but much closer.
Oct 20: Completed entries for spiral galaxies NGC 5953 and 5954, which comprise Arp 91.
Oct 19: Completed entry for spiral galaxy NGC 4666.
Oct 18: Completed entries for NGC 7752 and 7753, which comprise Arp 86.
Oct 4: Have now completed critical updates for NGC 5300 - 5449.
Sep 27: Continued to primarily work on NGC 5300 - 5349, but took advantage of a new HST image to complete entries for NGC 5728 and a much more distant "apparent" companion, PGC 160085.
Sep 22 (afternoon): Took advantage of an HST press release for globular cluster Palomar 6 to post a completed entry for the object.
Sep 22 (morning): Slightly revised the entry for NGC 2419 (see update for Sep 19) to take into account a private communication from Harold Corwin. The net result is an increase in the uncertainties associated with the object, but also an increase in the accuracy of the entry. In any event, NGC 2419, no matter what its actual properties are, is certainly by far the largest an most massive globular cluster in our galaxy, and if not currently even further from us than the Magellanic Clouds, would be the most spectacular object in norhtern skies.
Sep 19: Interrupted other work to deal with the implications of a paper discussing NGC 2419, a globular cluster nearly 300 thousand light-years from the Sun, and aside from completely updating the corresponding entry, also added a couple of HST images of the cluster.
Sep 13 (noon): Completed entry for PGC 64801/5/ Started entry for PGC 66528/9, a pair of interacting galaxies in Capricornus, and for the globular cluster NGC 6717; will complete those and the entry for IC 4802 (part of 6717) later today.
Sep 12: Created and nearly completed entry for PGC 64801/5, a pair of interacting galaxies in Microscopium.
Sep 11: Created and completed entry for one of the first objects imaged by the HST after it was induced to start working again in mid-2021, namely the enormous and spectacular spiral galaxy PGC 382.
Aug 28-Sep 10: Continued to work on updates for NGC 1 - 300 and 4800 - 5350, but without finishing anything worth bringing special attention to.
Aug 27: As a result of the error noted on the 26th, decided to start checking all the entries in my Arp Atlas, and in updating the entry for Arp 1 (which was several years old and need updating), discovered that on the night it was discovered, one of the "NotNGC" objects was also obsered, so created and completed its entry on the "NotNGC" page, and added an appropriate link on its PGC page.
Aug 26: Was notified of a typo involved Arp 225 and fixed that entry, and created an entry for Arp 255 (which was the typo involved). The NGC/PGC object entries attached to the Arp entries have not been completed, but will be, as soon as possible.
Aug 25: Created a "NotNGC" page for objects discovered before the publication of the New General Catalog, but not included in it. Although very incomplete at the moment, it includes links to everything currently known about such objects.
Aug 22: Finished minor updates for NGC 1 to 199 and NGC 5200 to 5275; former being done as complete update of all NGC/IC positions, latter as check on accuracy of decade-old positions and classifications (in particular, have changed many "spirals" to "lenticulars" and vice-versa).
Aug 18: As part of minor update of NGC 5200 to 5249, partially completed entries for Arp 240.
Aug 16: Completed entry for NGC 1385 to take advantage of new HST image.
Aug 13 - 15: Correcting historical and modern errors with Arp 122; will update this line when finished.
Aug 11: Completed major update (though far from final) for NGC 1 - 49: Checked/added all "final" Corwin positions, fleshed out (basic) entries for all "apparent companion"s, added all appropriate designations, replaced monochrome image of NGC 7 with color image, etc. Still have tons of work to do before page is "complete", but plan to do the same sort of update for all 300 NGC/IC pages before working anything other than the occasional individual galaxy that is the subject of a new ESO/HST/etc press release. So for now, on to NGC 50 -99, for the same sort of update.
Aug 5: As part of updating positions for IC objects, ran into a physical group comprised of IC 107, IC 1698 and PGC 5250, and decided to update and complete their entries.
Aug 2: Updated and completed entries for Arp 230 and IC 1954, to take advantage of numerous new images.
July 25: Started a page listing all galaxies in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, providing links to (mostly very basic) individual entries for each galaxy; plan to add about a dozen or so entries per day in betwen other tasks, so will probably finish all 2352 entries sometime this Fall.
July 17: Thoroughly updated and completed entry for NGC 4303 (= M61) to take advantage of new images.
July 15: Despite some problems with historical and image databases, completed the entry for NGC 6380 mentioned below.
July 12: Updated and nearly completed the entry for NGC 6380 to take advantage of an HST image.
July 6: Completed the entry for PGC 12417, and returned to work on IC entries.
July 5: Took a break from IC updates to post the latest HST press release for UGC 2665, also misidentified as NGC 2665 in the press release. Finished the entry for peculiar spiral galaxy PGC 12397, and the HST images for PGC 12417 (obscurely called 2MASX J03193743+4137580 in the press release), but still have to take care of the wide-field images for the latter galaxy (part of the Perseus Cluster of galaxies, so a LOT of them to label).
June 29 - July 4: Working on updating basic data for IC 1700 - 1949. More complete updates to be done ASAP.
June 28: Completed entry for globular cluster NGC 330 in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to take advantage of a new HST image of the cluster.
June 27: Completed entries for peculiar spiral galaxies IC 1706 and IC 1726.
June 26: Took a break from formatting IC pages to start revising PGC 46000 - 46499, to update images and information for Arp 57 and interacting galaxy pair AM 1316-241, as part of an effort to clean up my desktop.
June 21: Took a break from formatting PGC 2250 - 2349 to complete the entry for Arp 236, also known as IC 1623, and to update the formatting on its page.
June 18: Partially updated formatting and added Dreyer entries for IC 2100 to 2249.
June 14: Updated and completed entry for NGC 3254 to take advantage of HST press release.
June 13: Posted better Hubble Legacy Archive image of NGC 3930 and updated designations.
June 8: Completed entries for NGC 4680 and Arp 293, partly to partially clear my desktop of high-quality image icons. (Will be doing that on a more or less regular basis for about 100 other images.)
June 1-3: Discovered the probable answer to a 130+ year-old mystery involving NGC 4912, 4913 and 4916, and a nearly equally old error involving IC 843. Though more or less unraveled, it will take some time to clearly describe the problems involved and their answers, so this note may include June 4 and/or 5 by the time it is fiished.
June 1-2: As part of an ongoing update of NGC 4900 - 4949, created an entry for the peculiar lenticular galaxy PGC 44918.
May 31: Updated entry for NGC 691 to take advantage of new (or reprocessed?) HST image.
May 27: Updated and completed entry for NGC 2300, and for NGC 2276 (= Arp 25), as they comprise Arp 114.
May 24: Updated and completed entry for NGC 5037 and its companion.
May 22: Updated and completed entry for Arp 24 and its companion(s).
May 21: Updated and completed entry for Arp 107.
May 13 - 14: To complement Corwin's globular cluster database, created a set of four pages for GCL and non-GCL globulars more or less associated with our galaxy. All objects have been placed in the proper places, and will be updated as the individual objects' entries are completed. As of midnight on the 14/15th, six or seven entries have been fully completed.
May 12: Due to Harold Corwin's recently completing a study of globular clusters, began to update all NGC/IC entries for such objects. So far, updated and completed entries for NGC 104, 288 and 362.
May 12: Completed entry for emission nebula NGC 2313.
May 10: Due to a note about a professional study of globular cluster NGC 6712, completed its entry.
May 5: In response to a query about NGC 4964, completed its entry, and the corresponding PGC and UGC entries.
May 2: Partially updated the Online Atlas page for Planetary Nebulae to take advantage of an HST image of the Necklace Nebula, and to briefly explain the system used for designating (the galactic coordinate position) planetary nebulae. Also replaced the DSS images for PGC 14030 with PanSTARRS images and updated the UGC entry.
May 1: Completed entry for peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 3758 (and the corresponding PGC pages) to take advantage of a new ESO image of its double nucleus and extended outer arms. Also did the same thing for NGC 7678 to take advantage of a new HST image of "Arp 28".
Apr 29: Completed entries for UGC 5373 and PGC 28913, and slightly updated the Local Group entry for Sextans B to take advantage of a NOIRLab image.
Apr 26: Completed entry for NGC 4890 to take advantage of PanSTARRS images, which are far better than any previously available images of the galaxy.
Apr 6: Settled on final formatting for various IDs (NGC/IC/PGC/UGC/CGCG/ESO/MCG) and completely updated NGC 4750-4799 to that standard. Also created all UGC entries affected by that; need to update PGC pages affected by the changes, then proofread the NGC page one more time, to try to remove or properly explain any complications created by the changes. At that point, save for future improvements in text and visual databases, that page will become the very first totally complete page in the NGC/IC catalog. Since finished that in early afternoon, expect to complete similar update for that part of NGC 4800 - 4849 which is already "done"; but since only about 2/3 done with physical data and images for that page, it won't be totally complete until a few days from now.
Apr 5: Also posted new/completed entry for UGC 1281 = PGC 6699, a dwarf spiral galaxy in Triangulum.
Apr 5: Completed all UGC galaxy templates, entries for the first 300 or so UGC objects (including links to other entries if available), and by chance, ran across an HST image of "The Loneliest Galaxy", PGC 1852, the only object of any significant size in a void more than a hundred million light years across.
Apr 1/2: Created nearly bare-bones templates for pages cataloging all 12,921 UGC galaxies; save for UGC 1-89 there is almost nothing there yet; but eventually all entries will have a list of standard identifications, with links to all already-existing entries corresponding to the UGC objects (e.g., the one for UGC 2885 shown in the previous entry). This is not intended to be a source of new information; just a way of re-organizing things so that people who want to see what is known about the UGC objects can access the information in a different way. As a result, it is a low priority, but as I finish each NGC/IC page I will update any corresponding UGC entries, and although I don't intend to deal with all of the hundreds of thousands of PGC/LEDA objects, I will give precedence to UGC objects with PGC designations, so that at least that list will eventually be complete (come back in 2035 or '40 to see if I accomplished that goal).
Apr 1/2: Somewhat updated entries for UGC 2885 (= PGC 14030), one of the largest spiral galaxies in the Local Universe.
Mar 29/30: Created/completed entries for peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 4924 and its optical double, PGC 44952.
Mar 26: Created a page about the Eddington-Einstein Solar Eclipse of May 29, 1919, and how it provided the first proof of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
Mar 25: Due to a problem with NGC 4851, discovered that IC 839 needed to be taken from an incorrect bare-bones entry to a corrected (and completed) entry (first update of its page since 2013, when more references had incorrect data).
Mar 15: Due to a query about NGC 4918, completed its entry. Also updated and completed the entry for IC 2233 to take advantage of a new KPNO image.
Feb 25 - Mar 15: Essentially completed NGC 4750 - 4799 and made good progress on completing NGC 4800 - 4849.
Feb 25: Nearly completed NGC 4750 - 4799, and created and/or updated several PGC pages associated with that.
Feb 10: Started a Celestial Atlas page for Planetary Nebulae. This will act as a supplement to the planetary nebula page in the Online Text, and as a place to put images of planetary nebulae taken by space and large terrestrial telescopes.
Feb 1: Updated and completed entries for NGC 2276 (Arp 25), PGC 21067 and PGC 21195.
Jan 18: Updated and completed entry for NGC 4535.
Jan 15: Posted a note about the death of Adobe Flash and its effect on the page about Mercury's strange rotation.
Jan 11: Updated and completed entry for
NGC 613.
Jan 5/6: Posted several images and detailed commentary for the high-proper motion binary star listed as NGC 4769.
Jan 4: Considerably updated and completed NGC 6946, The Fireworks Galaxy.
Jan 1: Continuing work on NGC 4750 - 4799.

2020 Additions / Changes
Dec 29: Completed entry for NGC 2217 to take advantage of Carnegie-Irvine and HST images.
Dec 21: Completed entry for NGC 1947 to take advantage of Carnegie-Irvine and HST images.
Dec 19: Based on queries about their classifications, updated and completed the entries for NGC 4791, NGC 1431 and NGC 1445.
Dec 9: Updated and completed entry for NGC 1792 to take advantage of HST image.
Dec 8: Due to a query about the structure of NGC 1388, updated and completed entries for that galaxy and the apparently very similar NGC 278.
Nov 16: Created entry for PGC 71368 to take advantage of an HST image of the galaxy.
Nov 9: Created entry for PGC 29086 to take advantage of an HST image of the galaxy.
Nov 2: Completed entry for planetary nebula NGC 246.
Oct 24: Due to a common error in misidentifying IC 1096, completed the entry for that object and the galaxy usually misidentified as IC 1096.
Oct 22: As part of correcting its PGC designation, completed entry for IC 1097.
Oct 19: Updated and completed entries for NGC 2798 and 2799, which comprise Arp 283.
Oct 5 - 19+: Working on extended update for IC 2000 - 2049; will note when finished.
October 4: Updated entry for NGC 2525 to take advantage of HST image.
October 3: Updated entry for NGC 5585 to take advantage of HST image.
September 30: Updated entry for NGC 5643 to take advantage of HST image.
September 17: Completed entry for NGC 2835 to take advantage of HST image.
September 16: Corrected a longstanding error in the identification of NGC 920 by updating and completing the entries for NGC 920, IC 1799 and PGC 9377.
September 7: Updated and completed entry for NGC 1805 to take advantage of HST image. September 2: Updated and completed entry for NGC 2203 to take advantage of HST image.
September 1: Updated and completed entries for NGC 2188 and NGC 4907 to take advantage of new images.
August 31: Updated and completed entry for NGC 1614 (= Arp 186) to take advantage of new HST image.
August: Working on my novels, so nothing done on website until August 31.
July 21: Completed entry for NGC 4848 and its apparent companion to take advantage of an HST press release.
July 16: Due to a query about NGC 1266, completed its entry. A strange galaxy.
July 11-13: Working on updates for NGC 5400 - 5449. Have a lot of work still to do, but all identifications have been completed, and the first dozen or so entries. Future progress will be slow, since I'm concentrating on my next two novels, but I will be adding new entries every day or so.
July 10: In response to a question about NGC 4385, completed its entry.
July 8: Having noticed while taking care of Arp 271 on the 6th that the page for NGC 5400 - 5449 was in a pretty pathetic "primordial" state, started bringing it up to snuff. As result, ran across the very interesting irregular galaxy NGC 5408 and although not done with its entry(ies), did add several notes and all appropriate images.
July 6: Updated and completed entry for NGC 7513 to take advantage of new HST image. Also did the same (though for some ESO images) for NGC 5426 and 5427, which comprise Arp 271.
July 1: Updated and completed entry for NGC 2775 to take advantage of new HST image.
June 22: Updated and completed entry for NGC 5907 to take advantage of new HST image.
June 19: Updated and completed entry for NGC 7027 to take advantage of new HST image.
June 17: In response to a query about an odd image, added entries for PGC 72568 and 72569.
June 12: As part of thorough update of NGC 3350 - 3349, updated Arp 192.
June 3: Completed update of Steinicke physical data and Corwin positions for NGC 3350 - 3399.
June 2: Completed entry for globular cluster NGC 6441 to take advantage of new HST image.
June 2: Having noticed that many pages on my site have little or no information on them, started copying (and/or updating) Steinicke's physical descriptions and Corwin's positions for every one of the 15000+ NGC/IC/etc objects. For reasons related to where the lack of information is most painfully obvious, started by taking care of NGC 3300 - 3349. This does not mean that that page is complete. It simply means that it is not as incomplete as it was. Also started the same process for NGC 3350 - 3399, but since June 1 has passed I must pay bills tonight and tomorrow, so any further progress will have to wait until tomorrow night or the following day. Hopefully, this preliminary but critical part of the project will be completed within a few months (300 or so pages, at 1 to 2 pages per day most days, implies 4 to 6 months); and in the meantime I will continue to work on new ESO/HST images and any other problems brought to my attention in the meantime, but in any event I will do my best to finish this part of the project before the end of the year.
June 1: Took advantage of ESO and HST images of PGC 42951, one of a hundred or so known Polar Ring Galaxies which I noticed is listed in the de Vaucouleurs Atlas noted below to update and complete the entry for that unusual galaxy.
May 26 - 31: Working on adding hundreds of thumbnail images of galaxies in the de Vaucouleurs Atlas of Galaxy Types.
May 25: Completed entry for
NGC 3895 to take advantage of new HST image.
May 24: Posted images of "blue compact galaxies" NGC 244 and PGC 62814. Former entry not complete due to typing problems noted below, but the latter one is complete, due to desire to showcase HST image of the galaxy.
May 23: Started posting images of previously unposted thumbnails for the de Vaucouleurs Atlas of Galaxy Types. Due to difficulty typing caused by a minor but recent fall, progress is and will be very slow for a few days.
May 18: Created an entry for PGC 64054 to take advantage of a new HST image, updated every other entry on its page, corrected an error I found on another page as a result, and slightly altered the way I describe the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation on every page I've worked on for the last 2 1/2 months. Mostly minor book-keeping, but the new and corrected entries were an important addition to the NGC/IC catalog.
May 15: Completed the entries for NGC 1232 (and its apparent companion) and NGC 5247 to take advantage of numerous images.
May 12 - 14: Nearly (but not quite) completed the page for NGC 4000 - 4049.
May 11: Completed the entry for NGC 5861 to take advantage of a new HST image. In addition, as part of the update of NGC 4000 - 4049 and PGC 37500 - 37999, posted new images of Arp 194.
May 10: Continued work on NGC 4000 to 4049, completing 4015 to 4018, including Arp 305 (NGC 4016 + 4017). Also completed the entry for IC 755, which is probably NGC 4019.
May 9: As part of the ongoing update of NGC 4000 to 4049, added several spectacular images and considerable additional information for NGC 4013.
May 4: Completed entry for NGC 3583 and its possible companion, to take advantage of an HST image.
May 1: Continued working on NGC 3987 to 4023; also updated the entries for NGC 2950 and 2758 (the latter to correct an error, and to take advantage of an HST image).
Apr 30: Added an image of the sky exactly corresponding to Dreyer's sketch of the region near NGC 3987 to 4023.
Apr 29: Updated entries for NGC 4602 and 4604.
Apr 28: Added discussion of identification of numerous objects to NGC 3987 through NGC 4023.
Apr 27: Completed entry for NGC 4100 to take advantage of new HST image.
Apr 23-25: Created entries for PGC 29388 and PGC 5056954 to take advantage of an HST image of the former, which happens to also include an image of the latter.
Apr 16: Updated and completed entry for NGC 4027 as a result of a query.
Apr 13: Updated and completed entry for NGC 2906 to take advantage of an HST image of the galaxy. Also did the same for NGC 3923 to take advantage of various images, especially the spectacular 42 hour exposure by Rolf Olsen.
Apr 12: Still working on NGC 3900 - 3949, and making good progress. Also working on an update of the entries for M109 and NGC 3953, which is not M109, despite a claim to the contrary.
Apr 9: As part of the work on NGC 3900 - 3949, posted HST images of Arp 224.
Apr 8: Continuing work on NGC 3900 - 3949, and various other pages affected by changes in the entries on that page.
Apr 7: Updated and completed entries for IC 2963 and IC 738 to take care of problems involving the identification of NGC 3915 (which was more or less finished the previous evening).
Apr 6: Updated and completed entry for NGC 2273 to take advantage of HST image.
Apr 2: Continuing work on NGC 3900 - 3949, and aside from a few minor questions, completed NGC 3900 through 3906.
Apr 1: Completed entry for PGC 37194, which is often misidentified as NGC 3932.
Mar 31: Added an entry for PGC 1039683 to take advantage of an HST press release about a medium-sized black hole found in a star cluster orbiting that galaxy. Also, in response to a personal request, completed the entry for NGC 3713 (almost certainly = NGC 3927).
Mar 30: Updated the entry for NGC 4651 to take advantage a new HST image.
Mar 29: Due to a long-standing controversy about the identity of NGC 3911 and 3920, did a thorough analysis of the historical record, and updated and completed both entries.
Mar 27: In response to a query about NGC 3932, updated and completed the entry for that object and its apparent "companion", NGC 3928. NGC 3932 is a star that is frequently misidentified as a galaxy, while NGC 3928 is an apparently ordinary galaxy which may be the faintest and smallest spiral galaxy known, and is therefore nicknamed "the Miniature Spiral".
Mar 24: Discovered that NGC 4604 has been misidentified for donkey's years, is actually a duplicate observation of 4602, and posted a corrected entry for 4604. Also completed the entry for NGC 4603 to take advantage of some exceptional images, and did a considerable amount of work trying to bring the whole page up to date.
Mar 23: Updated and completed the entry for NGC 923 due to a change in its discovery information, and the chance to post a better image of the galaxy. Also updated and completed the entry for NGC 4618 to take advantage of an HST image.
Mar 19: Revised the entry for NGC 3854/65 to take advantage of an HST image of the galaxy and its apparent companion. Also revised the discovery information and completed the entry for NGC 207 due to the discovery that the supposed discoverer actually discovered a completely different object, and for NGC 178 partly to update discovery information, and partly to take advantage of a better HST image.
Mar 17: Updated and completed entry for NGC 4237 to take advantage of HST images.
Mar 13: Updated and/or completed entries for PGC 47660, IC 2050 and 2051 to take advantage of HST images.
Mar 12: Updated and/or completed entries for NGC 1803 and its apparent companion to take advantage of their HST images. Also completed entry for NGC 2770 and added an HST image to it.
Mar 11: Finally got around to completing an entry for the spectacular spiral galaxy PGC 57532.
Mar 10: Updated and completed entry for NGC 602.
Mar 9: Completed entry for NGC 1589 to take advantage of an HST image of the galaxy.
Mar 6: Completed entry for NGC 3887 to take advantage of Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey and HST images.
Mar 2: Added all of Dreyer's NGC entries to NGC 3850 - 3899 in preparation for addition of an HST image of NGC 3889.
Feb 25 - 26: Updated images and captions for the Carina Nebula.
Feb 25: Updated and completed several entries in order to take advantage of ESO and HST images of "The Bird", or PGC 62946.
Feb 24: Still working on NGC 2000 - 2049, but completed the entry for NGC 691 to take advantage of an HST image.
Feb 21: Completed entries for NGC 1854 and 1855 to take advantage of an HST image.
Feb 17: Added new HST image and completed entry for NGC 4689.
Feb 11+: Working on update of the page for NGC 2000 - 2049.
Feb 10: Completed entries for NGC 2007 and 2008 to take advantage of an HST image of the latter galaxy.
Feb 8: Added a painting by Eduard Ender which was probably the basis for the Danish stamp honoring Tycho Brahe to the biographical page about him.
Feb 6: Finished the entry for NGC 5752, the smaller member of Arp 297.
Feb 5: Discovered that Arp 297, which is usually considered to be a quartet of galaxies, is actually only a pair, and started correcting the entries for the four objects .
Feb 3: Updated and completed entries for NGC 5317 (= NGC 5364), NGC 5360 (= IC 958), and NGC 5362 and its companion. Also updated and completed a thorough discussion of the supposed components of Arp 299, NGC 3690 and IC 694.
Jan 27: Completed entries for NGC 7537 and 7541 as part of an update of their HST images. Also completed all entries for Hickson Compact Group 53 and the four associated galaxies in order to correct an error in the original reference.
Jan 22 onward: Updating a number of Arp Atlas entries, starting with Arp 296 and 299.
Jan 22: Updated the page for PGC 35000 - 35499 (primarily to add entries for Arp 296).
Jan 20: Completed entry for NGC 1022 to take advantage of an HST image.
early Jan: Added a considerable number of entries and URLs to the NGC/IC historical reference pages.
Jan 5: Added an entry for PGC 14030 to take advantage of an HST image.

2019 Additions / Changes
Dec 30: Completed the entry for NGC 4455 to take advantage of an HST image.
Dec 23: Added an entry for PGC 47660 to take advantage of an HST image.
Dec 14: Added an entry for PGC 32442, since it is (poorly) shown in an HST image of Comet Borisov.
Dec 7 - 14ff: Working on pages about NGC/IC historical references and discoverers.
Dec 9: Took advantage of HST image of NGC 3175 to update its entry.
Dec 2: Took advantage of new HST images of NGC 772 and NGC 5468 to update and complete their entries.
Nov 19: Slightly updated page about Titan, and added a large-format Geologic Map of Titan.
Oct 31 - Nov 18: Made a large number of minor changes, but nothing worth nothing here.
Oct 30:Updated and completed entry for NGC 1706 to take advantage of HST image.
Oct 28: Added entries for PGC 64801 and 64805 to take advantage of HST image>
Oct 20:Updated and completed entry for IC 4653 to take advantage of HST image.
Oct 7: Updated and completed entry for NGC 3717 to take advantage of HST image. Also updated age information for Small Magellanic Cloud globular cluster NGC 121.
Oct 1: Took advantage of Chandra and HST images of NGC 4194 to update and complete its entry.
Sep 10 - 24: Still working on NGC 3250-99. Have added lots of better images, including HST images of NGC 3265.
Sep 9: In response to a query about NGC 3382, completed its entry.
Sep 1 - 3: Updating images of a number of Antlia Group galaxies with Rolf Olsen Astrophotography images.
Sep 2: Took advantage of a new HST image of PGC 3974 to post its entry.
Aug 28: Completed the page for NGC 3250 - 3299 through 3262 and 3263.
Aug 26: Took advantage of a new HST image to updated and finish the entry for NGC 5307.
Aug 19: To take advantage of a new HST image, updated and finished entries for NGC 2371 and 2372.
Aug 12: Completely updated and finished entry for NGC 2022 to take advantage of newly released HST image.
Aug 10: Since discovered on the same night as "NGC 3295", completed entries for NGC 3296 and 3297.
Aug 8: In response to a query about NGC 3280 (= NGC 3295), completed those entries.
Aug 5: To take advantage of a recent HST image, created entries for PGC 10938 and 10939.
July 29: To take advantage of a recent HST image, completely updated entries for Arp 206.
June 19 - July 11: Started working on NGC 4450 - 4499; essentially finished with current iteration of 4450 - 4484, including updating historical identifications, and adding many HST images; also did some work on de Vaucouleurs Atlas of Galaxy Types and the list of historical references. Still, lots more to do before finishing the page.
May 13: Took advantage of a new HST image of NGC 3384 to completely update and finish its entry. Also fixed an error in the GC and NGC involving NGC 3379 and 3381.
May 12: Completed a page about cartoons by Daumier related to the nonexistent comet of 1857.
Apr 29: Started a major partial update of the page for NGC 4050 - 4099.
Apr 28: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 4100 - 4149.
Apr 12: Added images and discussion for NGC 1052-DF2 and NGC 1052-DF4, the first galaxies known to have no dark matter.
Mar 27: Per a request, completed the entry for NGC 4144.
Mar 8: Updated the images for NGC 6052 (= NGC 6064) to take advantage of an improved HST image of the colliding galaxies.
Mar 4: Due to a note letting me know about a minor error in my entry for NGC 3194 (= NGC 3155), corrected the error, added a new image of NGC 3155, and changed its galaxy classification based on the far better image.
Feb 26: As part of a test of image availability, added PanSTARRS images of NGC 1000 and 1001.
Feb 10: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2850 - 2899.
Feb 4: Fixed a broken link involving The Oppositions of Mars.
Feb 4: Completed entries for four galaxies shown in an HST image of PGC 44716.
Jan 23: As part of an update for NGC 2850 - 2899, posted an image of Arp 275.
Jan 21: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2800 - 2849.

2018 Additions / Changes
Dec 30: Due to a query about NGC 1573, completely updated and finished that entry.
Dec 29: Completed a major partial update of the pages for NGC 2750 - 2799.
Dec 24: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2700 - 2749.
Dec 20: Due to a query about IC 1101, updated its entry (which is now complete).
Dec 16: Completed a major partial update of the pages for NGC 2650 - 2699 and PGC 25130.
Dec 3: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2600 - 2649.
Dec 2: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2550 - 2599.
Nov 26: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2500 - 2549.
Nov 14: Completed a major partial update of the page for NGC 2450 - 2499.
Oct 24: Completed listing P-K numbers for all NGC objects (but still have to take care of IC entries).
Oct 21: Due to a query about a mislabeled HST image, posted an entry (and images) for dwarf irregular galaxy PGC 51472.
Oct 19: Continued posting P-K numbers (through NGC 3195), and added images for NGC 2867.
Oct 18: Posting the P-K number for planetary nebula NGC 2452, noticed that there were some far better images now available, so posted those as well.
Oct 17: Started posting Perek-Kohoutek planetary nebulae designations for NGC objects (reached NGC 2440).
late Sep - mid Oct: Worked on a number of things but didn't finish any due to personal and family illnesses.
Sep 19: Posted an entry for and images of the Phoenix Dwarf Galaxy.
Aug 31: Currently working on the page for NGC 4650 - 4699, but to take advantage of a just-released HST image of the Blue Planetary nebula, NGC 3918, created a completed entry for that object.
Jul 7: Took advantage of an Adam Block image of NGC 5866 to update its entry.
Jun 25: Took advantage of a new HST image of NGC 6139 to update its entry.
Jun 17: Took advantage of a new image of NGC 6052 to update its entry.
May 28: Resumed work on this site; results to be posted as available.
Mar 21 - May 27: For various reasons took an extended break from updating this site.
Mar 20: A colleague noticed that the recessional velocities of two galaxies had been considerably changed in the NED catalog since the last time I posted the entries for NGC 2406 and 2407, so corrected the presumably erroneous older values, and reposted the hopefully more nearly correct entries.
Feb 26: Took advantage of an HST press release to update the entry for IC 4710.
Feb 19: Updated the entry for Francis Abbott.
Feb 9: Thanks to an email pointing out an error in one of the references for my NGC/IC catalog (and as a result, a corresponding error in my own catalog), corrected, updated and completed the entry for NGC 2257, a globular cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Feb 5: Added a new HST image of NGC 1559, and slightly updated its entry to reflect that.
Feb 2: Did a substantial (though not total) update of The Local Group (of galaxies), adding several images, updating captions, tags and some of the text. Lots more to do to bring it fully up to date (it was originally written well over ten years ago), but that's it for the current iteration.
Jan 29: Posted the image of NGC 7331 from today's HST press release.
Jan 15: Created a page for Non-Traditional Discovery Dates (which see for an explanation of its purpose).
Jan 12: Added discussion and images of interacting galaxies PGC 1431761 and 4539513.
Jan 11: Added PanSTARRS image for IC 58.
Jan 10: Changed the discovery dates for IC 59 and 63 for reasons discussed in their entries; also added a PanSTARRS image for IC 60.
Jan 5: Due to the availability of an HST image of NGC 6090, completely updated the entry for that object.
Jan 4: Completed checking Corwin/Steinicke/discovery updates of NGC 6050 - 6099, added image of Arp 209 to the Arp Atlas page.
Jan 3: Completed checking Corwin/Steinicke/discovery updates of NGC 6000 - 6049, added all data for HCG 79.
Jan 2: As part of the (currently incomplete) update of NGC 6000 - 6049, added images and links (but not data) to the entry for Hickson Compact Group 79, also known as NGC 6027, or Seyfert's Sextet.
Jan 1: To take advantage of the HST press release of Jan 1, 2018, completely updated the three entries on the page for PGC 33000 - 33499.

2017 Additions / Changes
Dec 31: Completed Corwin/Steinicke/discoverer updates for NGC 5950 - 5999. Also posted HST images of NGC 3147. Also, over the last week or so have also added numerous references and links to previously listed entries to Historical Reference Papers for the NGC/IC Objects.
Dec 30: Completed Corwin/Steinicke/discoverer updates for NGC 5900 - 5949.
Dec 27: Completed Corwin/Steinicke/discoverer updates for NGC 5850 - 5899.
Dec 25: Completed Corwin/Steinicke/discoverer updates for NGC 5800 - 5849.
Dec 24: Completed Corwin/Steinicke/discoverer updates for NGC 5750 - 5799.
Dec 23: Completed Corwin/Steinicke updates for NGC 5700 - 5749.
Dec 18: Completed Corwin/Steinicke updates for NGC 5650 - 5699.
Dec 17: Posted an HST image of the core of globular cluster M79.
Dec 16: Completed Corwin/Steinicke updates for NGC 5600 - 5649.
Dec 15: Completed updated discussion of NGC 5256.
Dec 14: Added multiple SDSS and HST images to entry for NGC 5256. Also finished creating all (mostly placeholder) pages for open clusters OCL 1 - 1039 (which is all of them).
Dec 13: Added just-released wide-field image of region near NGC 6559. (One more to add, ASAP)
Dec 11: Added a discussion and images of reflection and emission nebulae NGC 6559.
Dec 8: Finished a post for PGC 53183 (as a result of an HST press release of Dec 4).
Dec 5: Created a preliminary page and template for open clusters: OCL 900 - 949.
Dec 3: Completed Corwin/Steinicke entries/updates for NGC 5550 - 5599.
Nov 30: Completed Corwin/Steinicke entries/updates for NGC 5500 - 5549.
Nov 28: Updated a discussion and images of IC 2497 and Hanny's Voorwerp.
Nov 24: Translated Darquier's 1782 paper about observations of Bode's 1779 comet and his discovery of the Ring Nebula and added a link to his paper to the reference list for NGC/IC objects.
Nov 22: Reversed the order of discovery for M57, per an article in the June issue of Sky & Telescope.
Nov 20: Completed Corwin/Steinicke entries/updates for NGC 5450 to 5499.
Nov 19: Completed Corwin/Steinicke entries/updates for NGC 5350 to 5449.
Nov 18: While checking Corwin & Steinicke's databases for NGC 5308 to 5349, added an image of NGC 5335.
Nov 14 - 17: While checking Corwin & Steinicke's databases for NGC 5150 to 5307, added an HST image of planetary nebula NGC 5307, and added preliminary entries for the members of Hickson Compact Group 67.
Nov 13: Added an HST image of NGC 4625 to its entry.
Nov 12: Checked Corwin's positions for NGC 4870 to 5149.
Nov 11: Checked Corwin's positions for NGC 4710 to 4869.
Nov 6 - 8: Checked Corwin's positions for NGC 4250 to 4709.
Oct 18: Took advantage of an Apr 2017 HST image of NGC 4298 and 4302 to update the entries for those galaxies.
Oct 17: Added an HST image of the central ring of M94 to its entry.
Oct 16: Took advantage of the HST Picture of the Week to update the entry for NGC 4993.
Oct 9: Took advantage of the HST Picture of the Week to add an entry for PGC 17302.
Sep 30: Posted an HST image of globular cluster NGC 7006.
Sep 28: In response to a question, added the page What Is The Gravitational Constant, G?. The page needs some fact-checking and editing, but is a reasonable introduction of the question, IS the gravitational constant truly a "constant"?
Sep 27: Posted fully updated entry for NGC 7009, based on ESO news release of that date.
Sep 25: Took advantage of the HST Picture of the Week to add an entry for PGC 31961. Also updated the entry for NGC 7009, in preparation for a further update on Sep 27.
Sep 12: Took advantage of the HST Picture of the Week to update and complete the entry for NGC 5398, and began a long-overdue update of the page for NGC 5350 - 5399; but due to pressing real-world concerns, have yet to finish the page.
Sep 4: Took advantage of the HST Picture of the Week to update and complete the entry for NGC 5559. Also updated thumbnails and links for Arp 286 and 292.
Aug 29: To take advantage of a new HST image of NGC 5765, completely updated and finished its entry.
Aug 22: Since it was referenced in the discussion of IC 511, did a complete update for IC 520, and as a result of a search for images of IC 520, also updated IC 5201.
Aug 21 - 22: While taking care of the changes noted in the previous update, I discovered that all four objects observed by Lewis Swift on Sep 1, 1888 had the same 10 minute of time error in their recorded positions. This required updating IC 511, PGC 24397 and NGC 2646. Also did a thorough update of the entries for the pair of interacting galaxies known as NGC 5730 and NGC 5731.
Aug 20 - 21: Thanks to a suggestion by Steve Gottlieb, Harold Corwin has shown that three objects observed by Lewis Swift on Sep 1, 1888 had a 10 minute of time error in their recorded right ascensions, so after nearly 140 years of being "lost" or (even worse) misidentified, they have now been correctly identified. Complete updates for all three objects (IC 895, 1028 and 1045) and for the objects they were previously misidentified as have now been posted to reflect those corrections.
Aug 17: Am sick, so (sniffle) will miss seeing the total eclipse on Aug 21, and make little if any progress on this website for a few days. However, I have taken advantage of a beautifully processed HST image of IC 3568 to completely update its entry (though, despite the note for Aug 11, only on one of the 50+ entry pages at the moment).
Aug 1: Took advantage of an HST image of NGC 4656 to update its entry.
Jul 28: Finished a complete review of NGC 1 - 49, checking/confirming and updating everything (text and images), so that it is now as complete and up to date as currently possible, save for a few minor problems which will hopefully be resolved within a few days. In the meantime I will be starting a similar review and update of NGC 50 - 99. However, progress will be slow through the end of August due to minor medical issues and a hopefully successful effort to view the Aug 21 total solar eclipse.
Jul 9: Still need to finish update of IC 300 - 349, but did finish an iteration of IC 350 - 399.
Jul 4: Completed basic update of NGC 350 - 399; and within a couple of items of finishing similar update of IC 300 - 349.
Jun 28: Posted HST images of NGC 248 and PGC 31693 to the entries of the same name.
Jun 27: Posted an HST image and discussion of PGC 16643.
Jun 26: Posted an HST image and discussion of PGC 52112.
Jun 21: Working on considerable update of IC 300 - 349.
Jun 16 - 20: Completed current iteration of NGC 300 - 349. Also added a discussion of where the material on my NGC/IC Catalog pages comes from (but still need to update the discussion of image sources and copyrights).
Jun 12 - 15: Completed current iteration of IC 250 - 299.
Jun 11: Completed current iteration of NGC 250 - 299.
Jun 10: Completed current iteration of IC 200 - 249. Also revised formatting for erindalepublishing.com as a test of ways to improve tablet viewing of cseligman.com. If the changes prove useful and effective, will start revising the formatting for cseligman.com in bits and pieces over the next few months. If not, will test other approaches beforehand.
Jun 8: Because of the August solar eclipse, posted an updated discussion of safe ways to view the eclipse.
Jun 3: Completed most historical updating for NGC 200 - 249.
Jun 2: Completed current updating of IC 150 - 199.
May 29 - 31: Changed the navigation banner and the NGC/IC/PGC link tables to better accommodate mobile devices (refreshing such devices in landscape mode seems to do a better job of clearing cached files), and started a major overhaul of IC 150 - 199 as a template for a clearer explanation of physical information for galaxies in the NGC/IC/PGC catalogues.
May 28: Finished checking historical and Dreyer entries for NGC 150 - 199.
May 27: Finished adding about a hundred images of NGC 7300 - 7349.
May 13: Have now added several hundred entries and more than a hundred online reference links to Historical Reference Papers for the NGC/IC Objects.
May 12: Finished checking historical and Dreyer entries for NGC 100 - 149 and IC 100 - 149.
May 11: Finished checking historical and Dreyer entries for NGC 50 - 99 (some serious questions remain, but basic work done) and IC 50 - 99.
May 8: Posted an entry and images of PGC 18516, also known as IRAS 06076-2139, due to the publication of an HST image of the pair of interacting galaxies. (More to be added to the discussion later today or tomorrow.)
May 1: Completed entries (and URLs) for all of Guillaume Bigourdan's (currently known) papers shown on the Historical Reference Papers page. (Some reference details differ from Steinicke's list; data on my reference page are taken directly from Bigourdan's files.)
Apr 30: Updated Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7800 - 7840 and NGC 1 - 49, and updated Dreyer IC entries (and added some images) for IC 1 - 49.
Apr 29: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7750 - 7799.
Apr 20: Started a page listing the hundreds of references I use for my NGC/IC catalog, and links to online versions of the references.
Apr 18: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7700 - 7749.
Apr 16: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7650 - 7699.
Apr 15: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7600 - 7649.
Apr 14: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7550 - 7599.
Apr 11: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7450 - 7499 and NGC 7500 - 7549.
Apr 10: Did considerable historical research and unearthed photos of A. N. Skinner and Paul-Pierre and Mathieu-Prosper Henry (also sent to Wolfgang Steinicke, who posted them on his website).
Apr 9: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7350 - 7399 and NGC 7400 - 7449.
Apr 8: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7300 - 7349.
Apr 6: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7250 - 7299.
Apr 5: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7200 - 7249.
Apr 4: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7100 - 7149 and NGC 7150 - 7199; also added a better image of NGC 7144.
Apr 3: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 7050 - 7099; also added a better image of NGC 7079.
Apr 2: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6950 - 6999 and NGC 7000 - 7049.
Apr 1: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6850 - 6899. Also updated the NGC/IC entries for all ten nebulae discovered by Auguste Voigt in 1865, but not published until 1987. Also checked Dreyer NGC entries and discovery data for NGC 6900 - 6949, which is what led to the consideration of Voigt's efforts.
Mar 31: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6800 - 6849.
Mar 30: Corrected or explained inconsistent discovery dates for numerous objects observed by William Herschel prior to their "official" discovery dates, e.g. NGC 6802.
Mar 29: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6750 - 6799 (though the remaining items from Mar 22 still need to be dealt with).
Mar 27: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6700 - 6749 and corrected a longstanding error in the identification of NGC 6748, which turns out to be a misrecorded observation of NGC 6751.
Mar 26: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6650 - 6699.
Mar 25: Cleared up the situation with NGC 6607 (though the remaining items from Mar 22 still need to be dealt with), and completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6600 - 6649.
Mar 22: More or less completed a discussion of the confusing situation involving NGC 6607, NGC 6608, NGC 6609 and PGC 61556.
Mar 21: Completed adding Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6500 - 6549 and NGC 6550 - 6599.
Mar 20: Completed adding Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6400 - 6449 and NGC 6450 - 6499.
Mar 19: Completed adding Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6300 - 6349 and checking NGC 6350 - 6399.
Mar 18: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6200 - 6249 and NGC 6250 - 6299.
Mar 17: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6150 - 6199
Mar 16: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6100 - 6149.
Mar 15: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 6050 - 6099.
Mar 14: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5950 - 5999 and NGC 6000 - 6049.
Mar 13: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5900 - 5949.
Mar 12: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5800 - 5849 and NGC 5850 - 5899. Also corrected a misidentification of a plate flaw as a (nonexistent) galaxy (see NGC 5861 and the following entry).
Mar 11: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5700 - 5749 and NGC 5750 - 5799.
Mar 10: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5650 - 5699.
Mar 8: Completed Dreyer NGC entries for NGC 5550 - 5599 and started same for NGC 5650 - 5699.
Mar 7: Updated/corrected discovery information for M25 (= IC 4725). Also updated the entries for NGC 7210 and 7487 to reflect the relatively recent discovery that the former was a prior observation of the latter.
Mar 6: Updated NGC 1450, 1451 and 1459 with PanSTARRS images, to supplement the lower quality DSS images. Also corrected errors for NGC 990 (incorrect/incomplete discovery dates) and 1180 (mislabeled image).
Mar 2-4: Finished updating the entries for NGC 1265, IC 312 and PGC 12287.
Feb 25: Gottlieb and Corwin have just shown that NGC 1265 is not PGC 12287, but IC 312. I am too sick to completely update the entries involved, but have posted preliminary corrections that make the situation reasonably clear.
Feb 22: Fixed an error in the discovery information for IC 3927 (thanks to Gary Kronk).
Feb 5: Finished my third novel (An Unsuitable Suit), and will now resume work on this website.

2016 Additions / Changes
Dec 12: Took advantage of a recent HST image of spiral galaxy NGC 4388 to update its entry.
Dec 11: Took advantage of a recent HST image of irregular galaxy IC 3583 to update its entry.
Dec 2: Posted images and a discussion of variable Seyfert galaxy Markarian 1018.
Nov 22: Posted just-released HST image of spiral galaxy NGC 3274.
Nov 21: Fixed an error in the entry for NGC 1641, which is usually listed as part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, but is actually part of our own galaxy.
Nov 20: Resumed updating of NGC 1550 - 1599. Also finished the first draft of my third novel, so should start making more progress on this site in the not too distant future.
Nov 14: Posted just-released HST image of dwarf irregular galaxy PGC 43869 (= "NGC 4789A").
Nov 7: Posted new HST image of NGC 1222, and discovered I hadn't finished updating NGC 1200 - 1249, so rectified that mistake.
Nov 1 - 5: Continued updating NGC 1550 - 1599 to current "minimum" standard.
Oct 29 - 31: Completed current iteration of NGC 1500 - 1549 and started updating NGC 1550 - 1599.
Oct 28: Added a new HST image of the Crab Nebula (M1); also continued updating NGC 1500 - 1549.
Oct 25 - 26: Returned to updating NGC 1500 - 1549. Oct 24: Posted a recent HST image and comment for globular cluster NGC 362.
Oct 22: Completed current iteration of IC 1550 - 1599.
Oct 21: Updated entries for NGC 5562 and 5584 due to a query about the latter galaxy's discovery. Also resumed work on IC 1550 - 1599.
Oct 20: Altered the entries for NGC 457, 1981, 2129, 2169, 2232, 2281 and 6871 to reflect Wolfgang Steinicke's recent discovery that William Herschel observed these objects (though not as "clusters") during his early studies of double stars (that is, prior to his efforts to discover nebulae and clusters of stars).
Oct 19: Returned to updating IC 1550 - 1599.
Oct 17: Took advantage of the release of a HST image of NGC 299 to replace the 'raw' Hubble Legacy Archive image of the open cluster.
Oct 16: Updated the home page and scrollable fiction banner at the top of all other pages to reflect the release of the five short stories in "Short Shorts" as individual Kindle "singles".
Oct 11 - 13: Due to the (incorrect) suggestion that IC 1560 might be NGC 164, started updating IC 1550 - 1599.
Oct 10: Added a new HST image of NGC 278.
Oct 7 - 10: Added previously incomplete discovery information for NGC 100 - 149 and started the same for NGC 150 - 199. Also started updating some of the NGC/IC Discoverers entries.
Oct 7: Updated discovery information for several Messier objects (see here for details).
Oct 5 - 6: Started updating NGC 1500 - 1549.
Sep 28 - Oct 4: Completed current iteration of NGC 1450 - 1499.
Sep 26: Added a newly released HST image of NGC 24 to its entry; also continued to update NGC 1450 - 1499.
Sep 24 - 25: Started updating NGC 1450 - 1499.
Sep 13 - 23: Completed current updating of NGC 1400 - 1449. (delayed by a death in the family)
Sep 12: Took advantage of a newly released HST image of PGC 83677 to post pictures and a discussion of that galaxy.
Sep 9 - 11: Continued updating NGC 1400 - 1449.
Aug 29 - Sep 8: Finished updating NGC 1350 - 1399, started NGC 1400 - 1449.
Aug 25 - 27: Finised basic updating NGC 1300 - 1349; started updating NGC 1350 - 1399.
Aug 23 - 24: Finished basic updating of NGC 5250 - 5299.
Aug 22: To take advantage of a new HST image of NGC 5264, added Steinicke and partial Dreyer historical data to NGC 5250 - 5299
Aug 16 - 21: Continued updating NGC 1300 - 1349.
Aug 15: Took advantage of just-posted HST images of Pisces A and Pisces B to do entries for those galaxies.
Aug 14 - 15: Started updating NGC 1300 - 1349.
Aug 9 - 13: Completed current iteration of NGC 1250 - 1299.
Aug 8: Took advantage of a just-posted HST image of NGC 2337 to do a detailed entry for that galaxy.
Aug 4 - 8: Continued work on NGC 1250 - 1299.
Aug 3: Posted images of NGC 4833 and continued work on NGC 1250 - 1299.
Jul 31 - Aug 2: Continued work on current iteration of NGC 1250 - 1299.
Jul 30: Completed current iteration of NGC 1200 - 1249, started on NGC 1250 - 1299.
Jul 29: Added an image of the Moon passing in front of the Earth during a solar eclipse to Pictures of the Moon.
Jul 26: Changed the entries for NGC 832 and NGC 1226 to reflect the recent discovery that they are probably duplicate entries.
Jul 18 - 25: Continued updating NGC 1200 - 1249.
Jul 17: Posted an update to Browser Help explaining how to reach the target of a broken link (caused by the target page either disappearing or its website being reorganized).
Jul 13 - 16: Started updating NGC 1200 - 1249. Also posted images and a discussion of the peculiar galaxy PGC 7090. Also posted notes about Arp 310 and 311, and a warning about occasional misidentifications of Arp 310 as NGC 1259 (it is actually IC 1259).
Jul 9 - 13: Considerably updated NGC 1150 - 1199. Also posted images and a discussion of the Hubble Picture of the Week of PGC 56779.
Jul 6 - 9: Completed basic updating of NGC 1100 - 1149.
Jul 2 - 5: Posted positions and wide-field images for all Hickson Compact Groups, and started altering NGC entries for HCG members to take advantage of that. Posted brief notes about a possible identification of the otherwise "lost or nonexistent" NGC 111. Also posted a biography and images for Auguste Voigt.
Jun 30 - Jul 1: Started updating formatting for NGC 1150 - 1199; also updated data and images for Hickson Compact Groups 11, 12 and 21.
Jun 27 - 28: Finished formatting/pix/tags through NGC 1099. Checked Corwin positions and added/checked original NGC entries through 1149. Started updating formatting for NGC 1100 - 1149.
Jun 16 - 19: Completed NGC entries for NGC 1050 - 1099, updated formatting/pix through NGC 1093.
Jun 13 - 15: Updated formatting and many images for NGC 200 through 249.
Jun 12: Updated formatting and numerous images for NGC 127 through 149.
Jun 7: Added another image of the Hoba meteorite to the page about Meteorites, and enlarged on the comments about the object. Also, due to a recent Hubblesite post about UGC 4879 (= PGC 26142), posted images and a preliminary discussion of that galaxy.
Jun 4 - 5: Updated formatting and numerous images for NGC 191 through 199, and NGC 124 through 126.
May 29 - Jun 1: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 1099, added and/or verified original NGC entries, updated formatting and added many images through NGC 1052. Also updated formatting and images for NGC 150 - 190, as that task was overlooked while otherwise updating NGC 124 - 249 in March.
May 24: Updated Dreyer entries/etc through NGC 990.
May 21: Posted a discussion and images of the Vela Ring Galaxy and its companion..
May 19 - 21: Updated Dreyer entries/etc through NGC 970.
May 19: Posted a first draft of The Effect of Metals On Heat Flow Inside Stars, and moved The Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxy AGC198691 to that page.
May 18: Updated Dreyer entries/etc through NGC 952; as a result, also modified the entry for NGC 940.
May 16 - 17: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 999, Dreyer entries, pix etc through NGC 949.
May 15: Updated Dreyer entries, formatting and added/updated pix through NGC 899.
May 15: Posted a temporary entry for extremely "metal-poor" dwarf irregular galaxy AGC198691.
May 10 - 14: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 899, Dreyer entries, current formatting and new/updated pix through NGC 879.
May 7 - 10: Updated Corwin positions, Dreyer entries and current formatting through NGC 849, added or updated many images and used them to correct several galaxy types and sizes.
Apr 30 - May 6: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 799, Corwin positions through NGC 799, adding or updating many images.
Apr 22 - 25: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 733, Corwin positions through NGC 749, also adding many images.
Apr 19: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 655 and Corwin positions through NGC 699.
Apr 16 - 18: Updated Dreyer entries and Corwin positions through NGC 649, added several images, including an HST image of low-surface brightness galaxy PGC 2699.
Apr 12 - Apr 13: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 594; also added numerous images.
Apr 11: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 599, and Dreyer entries through NGC 556.
Apr 10: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 549, and Dreyer entries through NGC 541.
Apr 9: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 499.
Apr 8: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 465, Corwin positions through NGC 499.
Apr 6: Updated Dreyer entries through NGC 437 (also added several new/better images).
Apr 4: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 449, and Dreyer entries through NGC 425.
Apr 3: Updated Corwin positions through NGC 399, and also Dreyer entries through NGC 399.
Mar 17 - Apr 3: Adding/checking original Dreyer NGC entries from start of catalog; finished NGC 1 - 369 as of this post. (Have found a few errors caused by mis-copying information from the NGC, so checking my entries for accuracy is critical.) Also doing considerable updating to current catalog format, hence relatively slow progress.
Mar 13-16: Checking updated Corwin positions from start of catalog; finished NGC 1 - 369 as of this post.
Mar 13: Still working on corrections and updates for NGC 5000 - 5699, but though have made a lot of progress, haven't fully finished any of the pages involved, hence the lack of specific updates; but hopefully posts about finished pages will start showing up by the end of the month.
Feb 23: Working on updates for NGC 5500 - 5549, 5550 - 5599 and 5600-5649. The first page is nearly complete, the second is well under way but still far from complete, and I have just started updating the third. Aside from the obligations noted above, one of the websites that I use as a major reference has been offline more often than not for several weeks, and replacing it is proving difficult, so unless I can find an appropriate work-around, progress on some parts of the NGC/IC catalog will be slower than usual. However, I will continue to update everthing that does not depend on that reference, so though it may take a while before I can say that any given page is truly complete, over a period of time there will be substantial improvements in the catalog.
Feb 6: Added a note to The Heliosphere about The Edge Of The Solar System, to clear up a common misconception (due to poorly written news articles) about whether the Voyager spacecraft have left the Solar System or not (they have not).
Jan 11-12: Added Dreyer's NGC entries to NGC 5500 - 5549.

2015 Additions / Changes
Dec 30: Fixed some problems with NGC 5500 - 5549 and posted images of Arp 199.
Dec 29: Compared Steinicke's revised database to NGC 5500 - 5599.
Dec 28: Compared Steinicke's revised database to IC 3250 - 3299. Also posted identifications of NGC 5632, 5651, 5658 and 5922 as duplicates of NGC 5691, 5713, 5719 and 5923.
Dec 27: Compared Steinicke's latest revision of NGC/IC discovery information to my catalog starting at IC 3000 - 3049 through IC 3200 - 3249.
Dec 26: Finished adding missing pages (primarily placeholders) for PGC 68000 to PGC 129999.
Dec 13: Finished adding Share to Facebook buttons to all existing pages.
Nov 16: Substantially enlarged a biography of Adolphus Albert Le Sueur, first observer for the Great Melbourne Telescope.
Nov 11: Added a discussion of tidal effects on moons to the page about The Moons of Mars.
Oct 23: Corrected a typographical error in one of the equations on the page about Ellipses and Other Conic Sections.
Sep 26: Posted a detailed discussion of the Lunar Eclipse Details for Sep 27 - Sep 28, 2015.
Sep 23: Started a page containing A List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
Aug 30: Decided to add a couple of steps to my historical research for NGC/IC objects, to help explain problems with historical identification where they occurred; as a result, all previously so-called "complete" pages may have some minor changes made in the discussion of objects that suffered such problems. Hopefully the result will be to better clarify the problems and their resolution for the benefit of those interested in such things, and readers not interested in the historical discussion can just skip to the physical information and images, as before.
Aug 30: Because of the discovery of a binary black hole in the nearest quasar, posted images and a discussion of the galaxy involved.
Aug 29: In response to a query, posted a discussion and images of the so-called Sacred Mushroom.
Aug 24: Added NGC entries for NGC 3400 - 3449, NGC 3450 - 3499, NGC 3500 - 3549 & NGC 3550 - 3599.
Aug 23: Posted nearly complete page for NGC 3650 - 3699, added NGC entries for NGC 3600 - 3649.
Aug 7: Posted partially complete page for NGC 3050 - 3099.
Jul 29: Posted nearly complete page for NGC 3000 - 3049.
Jul 28: Completely finished page for NGC 3100 - 3149, including updating related PGC pages.
Jul 21-22: Fixed about a hundred broken links, and added several images of Vesta.
Jul 11 - 16: Posted New Horizons images on Pictures of Pluto and The Satellites (Moons) of Pluto.
Jul 14: Posted false-color "geological"-type images of Pluto and Charon taken on July 13, 2015.
Jul 12: Completely finished page for NGC 3150 - 3199, including updating related PGC pages.
Jul 12: Posted the latest images of the "nearside" and "farside" of Pluto.
Jun 28: Posted the artwork I created for the cover of my third novel, An Unsuitable Suit.
June 22: Completely finished page for NGC 2900 - 2949, including updating related PGC pages.
May 30: Completely finished page for NGC 2950 - 2999.
May 19 - 22: Made some corrections on pages for NGC 2000 - 2049, NGC 3350 - 3399 and NGC 3500 - 3549.
May 19: Substantially updated page for NGC 2900 - 2949, which was a nearly blank page; but still needs some work.
May 15: Posted an animation of a Martian sunset as seen On The Surface Of Mars.
Apr 30: Completed page for NGC 50 - 99.
Apr 17: Save for editing confused history of discovery for NGC 16, completed page for NGC 1 - 49.
Apr 4: Posted a low-resolution image of the total lunar eclipse of said date.
Apr 2-4: Replaced Steinicke's positions for NGC 1 - 149 with positions by Brian Skiff and Harold Corwin. Also considerably (though not completely) updated format for the corresponding entries to current standard. Also replaced a number of images with better ones. Also updated Dreyer NGC entries and discovery information for NGC 1 - 120.
Mar 28: Posted a brief discussion of the total lunar eclipse of Apr 4, 2015, and a link to a detailed image of the circumstances of the eclipse.
Mar 28: Completed a detailed recheck and update of all discovery information for Steinicke and Dreyer for NGC 50 - 99; will be gradually revising and updating the entire NGC/IC catalog because (1) never finished entering all of Dreyer's entries and (2) Steinicke made hundreds of changes in the latest version of his numerous databases.
Mar 26-28: Discovered and after some delay fixed a painfully confused historical identification of NGC 57, which turned out to have been correct in the first place despite the confusion.
Mar 21: Received confirmation that NGC 468 is not IC 92, but as I suspected a duplicate of NGC 472; posted essentially final entries for the three objects.
Mar 20: Developed suspicion that the half-century old historical identification of NGC 468 as IC 92 was incorrect; posted temporary revisions.
Mar 11: Working on IC 50 - 99, noticed some discrepancies between my original reference for Dreyer's NGC entries and the actual entries (which were not available to me at the start of this project). Checked IC 1 - 99 against the original Dreyer catalogs, found and fixed a few minor errors. As a result, changed the date for completing IC 1 - 49 to March 11.
Mar 10: Due to an HST press release of Mar 9, added an entry for UGC 8201 (= PGC 45372). Also (due to starting final update for IC 50 - 99) posted an HST image of Arp 230, also known as IC 51.
Mar 9: Thought I completed the final update for IC 1 - 49, the first page in my catalog to be completely finished (barring future discoveries); but see the entry for Mar 11.
Feb 28: Started updating NGC 6900 - 6949.
Feb 24: Started final update for IC 1 - 49.
Feb 21: Posted a page about The Synodic Period of Revolution, which is the time it takes a planet to move from one aspect to the next occurrence of the same aspect (e.g., from opposition to opposition).
Feb 20: Finally completed the correction of html code, typographical and grammatical errors and the addition of minor updates to all 1200 pages on my website. Most of the errors were so minor that no one should notice any changes; but there were enough of them (and a few major errors) to make the tedious work as worthwhile as it was necessary.
Feb 16: Fixed a typographical error that kept the Polar Animation page from displaying the animation. Apologies to anyone who tried to view it in the (years?) since the error was introduced.
Feb 14: Added images of constellation figures to Stars and Constellations.
Feb 12: Posted a page about Leap Seconds.
Feb 4 onward: Continued to work on updating and editing html code, text and captions for the few remaining pages requiring it (see note of Feb 16 for the worst error uncovered so far).
Feb 3: Posted HST images of NGC 7714 and NGC 7715.
Feb 2: Posted some corrections and clarifications suggested by a private communication.
Jan 31/Feb 1: Created and/or updated entries for Hickson Compact Group 90 and its members.
Jan 30: Created and/or updated entries for Hickson Compact Group 100 and its members.
Jan 29: Began another round of minor corrections (fortunately mostly very minor) similar to those of Jan 9 - 21. In doing so, realized that there are significant problems with the identifications of a number of objects on the page dealing with NGC 6450 - 6499, so added a warning for the six objects in question.
Jan 24: Started updating the page of Messier Nebulae.
Jan 23: Finally finished the updating of Messier Galaxies page started on Dec 27, along with all NGC entries linked to the M-galaxies page.
Jan 9 - 21: Substantially updated a dozen or two NGC Object entries due to a private communication pointing out some minor errors in said entries. A couple were due to typographical errors on my part, but most of the errors were due to mistakes in the source material that have been corrected since I copied them. In some cases the mistakes went back more than a century, meaning that similar errors exist in many other databases; as an example, see NGC 7234. Also updated a number of other entries that were near the ones in question to bring them up to current standards, but nothing worth listing as a separate update.
Jan 6: Posted new HST image of the Pillars of Creation.
Jan 3: Updated the page that discusses known display and printing issues (Browser Help).

2014 Additions / Changes
Dec 24 - 30: Continued updating and editing noted for Nov 19 - Dec 23. Starting Dec 27, concentrated on exhaustive updating of Messier Galaxies and entries on other pages linked to that page. As of Dec 30, about 70% done with the M-galaxy page and linked entries.
Dec 25: Based on new HST image, updated entry for IC 335.
Nov 19 - Dec 23: Continued the updating and editing noted for Nov 4 - 18, and have now completed minor corrections for about 1500 pages, and major alterations for a dozen or so pages. This leaves only a few hundred pages to go, so should return to major additions and updating of NGC/IC entries in early to mid January.
Nov 19: In response to a request, created a complete entry for NGC 5368.
Nov 18: In response to requests, created complete entries for NGC 4157 and NGC 7183.
Nov 4 - Nov 18: Working on updating and correcting code for all non-Atlas pages, and fixing numerous minor typographical and grammatical errors.
Nov 3: Added Cassini image of Mimas to the page about that moon.
Sep 11 - Nov 2: Updated and corrected code for all 160 NGC Object pages, and updated formatting (and to a lesser extent content) of text, pictures, tags and captions for several thousand NGC entries.
Sep 10: Updated (preliminary) entries for NGC 6353 and 7438.
Sep 6/8: Did some work on Hickson Compact Groups and associated pages.
Sep 2/3: Updated Steinicke discovery/physical data and updated formatting for NGC 1850 - 1899.
Sep 1: Added basic Dreyer listings for NGC 1850 - 1899.
Aug 29/31: Updated discovery/physical information and added Dreyer listings for NGC 1750 - 1799 and NGC 1800 - 1849.
Aug 26/28: Posted a major (albeit incomplete) update of page for NGC 1700 - 1749; also posted a few corrections for NGC 1800 - 1849.
Aug 23/25: Completed updates and second iteration of page for NGC 1600 - 1649.
Aug 21/22: Continued updates for NGC 2050 - 2099.
Aug 19/20: Updated discovery and other information for objects observed by John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope between 1834 and 1838 (see NGC 2050 - 2099 and NGC 3250 - 3299).
Aug 18: Posted animation of the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the morning sky from Aug 14 to Aug 22.
Aug 17: Posted improved discussions and/or images of NGC 1783, NGC 6365, NGC 993 = NGC 994 and NGC 3314.
Aug 16: Posted numerous additions to NGC 1500 - 1549, and updated evening planet diagrams for The Wanderers, or "Planetes".
Aug 15: Posted a few additions to NGC 1950 - 1999.
Aug 13: Posted minor corrections to IC 2000 - 2049.
Aug 12: Posted numerous additions to NGC 1550 - 1599.
Aug 11: Updated evening planet diagrams for The Wanderers, or "Planetes".
Aug 10: Posted numerous additions to NGC 3100 - 3149.
Aug 8: Posted some additions to NGC 4850 - 4899.
Aug 6: Updated diagrams for The Wanderers, or "Planetes", and posted partially upgraded version of page for NGC 3100 - 3149.
Aug 4: Posted considerably upgraded version of page for NGC 4850 - 4899.
Aug 2: Posted preliminary version of page for IC 5250 - 5299 and somewhat updated pages for IC 1000 - 1049, IC 1150 - 1199 and IC 1200 - 1249.
Jul 31: Finished fairly complete version of page for IC 5150 - 5199 and preliminary version of IC 5200 - 5249.
Jul 25: Posted entry for PGC 67907 and added diagrams showing the position of "evening" planets to The Wanderers, or "Planetes".
Jul 21: Finished preliminary post for NGC 3200 - 3249.
Jul 13: Completed nearly final post for IC 5050 - 5099.
Jul 8: Posted images and (updated and corrected) discussion of NGC 5775.
Jul 7: Posted images and discussion of NGC 6118. Also added recent HST image of NGC 201.
Jul 4: Recoded page so Maxwell's Equations are properly displayed in browsers that don't support Symbol.
Jun 6: Posted nearly final page for IC 5100 - 5149.
May 22: Posted nearly final page for IC 5000 - 5049.
May 15: Posted nearly final page for IC 4950 - 4999.
Apr 20: Posted nearly final page for IC 4900 - 4949.
Apr 13: Posted nearly final page for IC 4850 - 4899.
Apr 9: Posted diagrams of the total lunar eclipse of Apr 14/15, 2014.
Apr 8: Added pages providing direct links for every NGC object: NGC 1-2000, 2001-4000, 4001-6000 and 6001-7840.
Apr 5: Posted nearly final page for IC 4800 - 4849.
Mar 24: Posted nearly final page for IC 4750 - 4799.
Mar 18: Updated The Oppositions of Mars to show oppositions through 2020.
Mar 13: Posted nearly final page for IC 4700 - 4749.
Mar 7: Posted nearly final page for IC 4650 - 4699.
Feb 27: Posted nearly final page for IC 4600 - 4649.
Feb 20: Posted nearly final page for IC 4550 - 4599.
Feb 15: Posted nearly final page for IC 4500 - 4549.
Feb 8: Posted moderately thorough page for IC 4450 - 4499.
Feb 7: Posted updated and nearly final version of page for NGC 1 - 49.
Jan 5: Posted moderately thorough page for IC 4400 - 4449.